FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried gets Arrested

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Guys! It is about time this master manipulator and greed driven heathen is put behind that cell block! SBF has been arrested!

14 replies
  1. Cordell Farmer
    Cordell Farmer says:

    I think you guys missed the point. The US had to play nice to buy time to arrest him. If he knew he was going to be arrested, He would have took off to Dubai. By playing nice, and believing he can "apologize" he way out, he can stay in place in the Bahamas and be untouchable. This disaster is too big for politics to cover up. SBF needs to be sacrifice to appease to masses. With so many people getting destroyed in public, someone has to take the fall. Now that he has been arrested, you will see the knives come out.

  2. Cbg G
    Cbg G says:

    I don’t buy this. The guy was due to answer questions from congress and gets arrested just before he is due to appear? People also need to remember, being arrested could be apart of the show.

    The US works with an adversarial system so there is still a very good chance in this corrupted society that he serves ZERO jail time. Just watch him pay a fine and rides off into the sunset.

    Until the judge hands down a 20-30 year jail sentence (before eligibility for parole), I will remain skeptical.


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