Frugal Living Life Hacks | Episode 1: The Kitchen | Frugal Tips 2021 | Minimalist Kitchen save money

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The best frugal living life hacks can be found in this new series! We’ll be bringing you the best life hacks to save money in your home. We want to help you live a …

21 replies
  1. Cooky Mnster
    Cooky Mnster says:

    I've also read somewhere that if you wait until evening or off peak hours to run dishwasher or laundry, it is cheaper depending on your electric company. Have not had a chance to look into that yet. But I agree, I usually wait until I have a good load of dishes and laundry before I run the machines to save/water and electricity.

  2. Cooky Mnster
    Cooky Mnster says:

    Great tips Brigitte! We always bring our water bottle or bottle of water and snacks with us when we are out for the day so we won't have to buy it when we are out. We also have a Berkey!

  3. Jessica Street
    Jessica Street says:

    Water! Yes. This has helped us save money. No more soda for me. Bummed at first, now when I do have it, it tastes funny. We meal plan also, and every week breakfast is an option. We love it. Eggs go far and wide.


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