Frugal Living! Learn The 5 Ways We Stay On Frugal Track!

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Save Money! Learn the 5 ways we stay on our frugal long term journey! We share strategies that will enable you to continue on your journey and be successful!

44 replies
  1. Sue
    Sue says:

    Ok, thanks again, I will link to your budget, one thing I do is; save my bottle return $$ to purchase my seasonal flowers. Yes I do drink soda. Trying to cut down Waving to you from Michigan

  2. Victoria Kelley
    Victoria Kelley says:

    I'm still working as a PreK teacher, so I have chosen to eat my main meal at lunchtime while the children nap. So, I started making a 'dinner' type meal that I can take to work and reheat at lunchtime. Then for breakfast and dinner, I eat lighter. It is really all about the plan.

  3. Cindy Ricksgers
    Cindy Ricksgers says:

    I was in the lunch line in the cafeteria at work today. The line was long so another cashier came to help. She said. "anyone with a credit card?" I was next in line so they asked if i wanted to pay by credit. I said. "Im debt free and proud of it!" So i had to let the others go ahead. 🙂

  4. artos1955
    artos1955 says:

    Review your monthly “fixed” expenses. ie car insurance (a 10 yr old car doesn’t need the same coverage as a new vehicle). Cable TV (Why pay for 600 channels when you really only watch 4). Magazine subscriptions (Your local library probably has it). Cell phone (A lot of competition. Threaten to switch providers to get a better deal). Remember, it’s YOUR money. Spend it wisely.

  5. Jane Day
    Jane Day says:

    Always enjoy your videos and Paul’s guitar playing. One little habit I adopted: When I make an entry in my accounts book, I will round it up. For example; In our city, one hour’s parking is £2.70 and two hours costs £4.90. So I enter these in my accounts book as £3 and £5. It’s incredible just how much extra cash my bank statement shows at the end of the year. Every little drip fills the bucket. God bless you both. Jane xx

  6. Geri Gowers
    Geri Gowers says:

    I buy Purex Fragrance Free Laundry Detergent in the big jugs and keep 3 on hand at all times. A couple of years ago it was $5.97 a jug and now it's $6.97 a jug, but still the cheapest I've found. It works as well as anything else I've used. But, I did just watch Homestead Tessie make it with Zote and washing soda, so I'll buy those supplies and keep on hand if I ever have the need to make my own.

  7. Sheryl Dougherty
    Sheryl Dougherty says:

    They should have a class before young adults who are getting married. How to set up a household, budgeting, paying bills, menus and grocery shopping and budgeting your time to achieve it so you can eat at home. When I worked on Sunday afternoon I cooked for 2 days so when I got off work between 4- 8 pm I could reheat dinner. Everything took me 15 minutes to get on the table. I relied on my crockpot for a lot of dinners. Enjoy listening to your advise. Tomorrow I’m throwing my budget and frugal ways aside for 3 days. Going to Denver and seeing my granddaughter. And shop at IKEA. (With a list of items I would like)

  8. Karen Rogers
    Karen Rogers says:

    5 great tips! I do like the “write it down & wait 2 weeks” to decide if a purchase is necessary. I’m going to start putting that in place here! Thanks for sharing your tips & ideas with us Emmy!

  9. Deborah D
    Deborah D says:

    Great ideas as usual! I budget very closely each paycheck however one thing I do is if there happens to be any money left over because I might have saved a bit on the grocery bill those two weeks, goes directly into a sinking fund for my next big purchase. Those $2, $5, $10 adds up fast!

  10. jessi Mcconnell
    jessi Mcconnell says:

    Where is our sweet Dixie? Look forward to her appearances. More sensible tips to continue the journey and perfect as well for beginner frugalists. I wish I had even one tenth of the money I spent spontaneously in my early years. I could probably pay for a brand new car with the cash. Great reminders and no judgement which sets you apart from other channels. Happy planner stickers sound like a simple pleasure and reward for not buying everything on the shelf when shopping. Whatever brings you joy and doesn't bust your budget.

  11. Janet Richardson
    Janet Richardson says:

    Good idea to write things you want down and then wait and revisit it in two weeks. When my daughter was little to avoid the I want this I want that, we asked her to cut out pictures of the items from catalogs and ads (this was the 80s) and then paste them on notebook paper and keep them in a binder. Then when Christmas, birthdays, or special events that warranted a gift she look back through and determine what she wanted. Usually the desire for something she thought she wanted had past. Also we required her to save a portion of all money she got as gifts or from other activities. Happy to say she is a saver and bought her own home with a large down payment and paid off her student loans for her graduate degree.

  12. Christine White
    Christine White says:

    Hello Emmy and Paul, I'm from Australia, I just recently discovered your channel and I had to let you know that I love it. I am intending to retire the end of next year and I've decided to practice living on the money I've allocated for myself each year. Your shows are so inspiring, I'm going through them starting from the beginning, I love how you and Paul went to the $1 shop and allowed yourselves $1 each to spend, I never thought of doing that, we have the same sort of shop here, there called $2 shops and next time I go I'm going to do that to.

  13. Dawn Cleaveley
    Dawn Cleaveley says:

    As always great ideas and tips…much needed right now! Am still doing good with my budget…things have gotten crazy at work with the upturn of covid cases (the stress really makes me want to spend on impulse things)… I am working tons and saving lots tho. I always catch your content, not always up to typing… but I look forward to seeing what is new with you, Paul and Dixie!❤🇨🇦 take care, be safe, be healthy!

  14. Dora Wedlock
    Dora Wedlock says:

    Off topic! Do you have an air fryer? Just wondering if they live up to the hype. One little says I really need one and then another little voice says, you don't need one, you don't have the space, how often would you use it? LOL.

  15. Lori Smith
    Lori Smith says:

    Hi Emmy/Paul:
    I use my Amazon wishlist for all purchases whether I buy them or not from Amazon. For larger purchases I do an exhaustive search on reviews and the best price. All of that is more than 14 days so I surely know by then if I want to make the purchase. By the way my twice baked stuffed potatoes were yummy, my son loved them;)

  16. sandra schellhase
    sandra schellhase says:

    For me the 14 day wait is a great idea. Seems as if we're all bombarded with the "you better get it now or it'll be gone.' There are times I actually find myself writing down what this store just got in and will be out of before we know it. Many of these channels that use this approach are so called frugal sites. So, Emmy, we will now use the 14 day wait. So easy. Thanks

  17. Jonna Borosky
    Jonna Borosky says:

    As I listened to you Em, I thought of all the things I bought in my "broke" 20's. S pair of lamps come to mind. I didn't really like them, but they were the best I could afford at the time, so I bought them. Thirty some years later, I still don't like them, but it's hard to justify buying more to replace what I already have. They still work. They're a classic design, so still are OK stylistically. They've been relegated to the guest room, so I don't have to see them very often. It's the same with everything we buy…it can be with us for decades. I learned to buy only what I absolutely love. If I don't love it, I wait or do without. I bought a washcloth when I was 18. I still have it. It's a rag now, but it still works…so no reason to get rid of it. That's over 40 years… Who thinks when we buy something so simple, it'll be with us that many years later!
    I've had some dish cloths that, as they became rags and were used for years for cleaning, eventually, basically disintegrated, so I threw them away when they weren't functional any more even as cleaning cloths. It's the same with everything. I still have some embroidery floss from when I was a teenager…and some ink pen nibs.
    I say buy as little as you can because you'll have to clean it, pack it, move it, unpack it….etc., possibly for decades. If you're frugal, it WILL be for decades.
    As always, I love listening to you and seeing your garden! Love to you and Paul. ❤ I hope you always keep doing what you're doing!

  18. Robin Meier
    Robin Meier says:

    Walgreen’s online coupons give you so much free stuff! I bought 19 items and paid $31.17, they gave me $38 back on my cash rewards account! 4 boxes of cereal, 2 All laundry, 3 snuggle, 2 toothpaste, 2 toothbrushes,2 packs of Scott toilet paper12 rolls and 4 crest mouthwash! Insane! All free !

  19. Reba Carmack
    Reba Carmack says:

    Use it up; wear it out; make it do; or do without. Yes, when you view “things” as money and the time to earn it it makes you think of “things” differently. The accountable waiting process is a great idea!

  20. Karen Schutte
    Karen Schutte says:

    Hi Emmy and Paul. At this point for us, we would rather defer short term pleasures to help with our long term goals. In other words, instead of impulse purchasing, we use that money toward debt reduction so we can live our dreams later. Blessings.

  21. Amy Wilson
    Amy Wilson says:

    I really like your idea about writing down your "wants". Some of the things we do are budgeting, discuss big purchases, meal planning, using coupons, and not trying to "keep up with the Joneses".


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