From-scratch meals that are faster than fast food

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Cooking every meal from scratch can seem like a complicated and time-consuming endeavor if it is not part of your normal routine.

35 replies
  1. @josephschuster1494
    @josephschuster1494 says:

    I truly LOVE your YouTube videos, as you and your buddies offer many great ideas and are true inspirations for all of us!
    I’ve subscribed and look forward to your future videos!
    Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all of your “Farmhouse” friends! 😃

  2. @lindsays1477
    @lindsays1477 says:

    I grew up with this kind of cooking, but when I got married I was shocked how my husband was use to meals having specific names… soup was anything you ate with a bowl and spoon, potatoes and gravy was anytype of meat and gravy you had, hotdish is a one pot meal… it gives the cook so much grace with no expectations for specific meals… and it always tasted great! My husband has come around to my way of cooking and enjoys it 😊

  3. @wandagordon6453
    @wandagordon6453 says:

    We’re empty nesters. Occasionally my husband and I will grab something out, it depends on our schedule. I really prefer to cook at home. A meat and a couple of veggies is good with us. On Sunday’s after church is my big cooking meal. Our daughters and their families are here and we love it! God bless all you sweet, hardworking mommas serving your families! Take care and happy new year. 😀❤️

  4. @meggo6673
    @meggo6673 says:

    Daddy Dinner is our favorite quick meal. It’s named this because my husband who never cooks came up with it.

    4lbs ground beef
    8 medium potatoes
    5 cloves garlic (or garlic salt to taste)
    Salt and pepper

    Sauté onion and garlic, add chopped potatoes and ground beef, salt and pepper.
    Serve with sauerkraut and ketchup.

  5. @MyLifeRefining
    @MyLifeRefining says:

    Good content! I got rid of my air fryer because of the non-stick coating and we only seemed to use it on the rare occasion we bought a convenience processed food. I got rid of our insta pot because I was only using it for bone broth and yogurt, both of which I can make in a pot on the stove. My husband didn’t enjoy the pressure cooked meals. My go to fast meal is goulash. My family LOVES it and I only make it for them when I need to make it for ease, so I will always keep a jar of marinara, a pound of ground beef and organic elbow pasta on hand. They never complain. We almost always have leftovers or a batch of soup in the fridge. We only get takeout when we WANT it and it’s very rare here.

  6. @user-ie4oc5sf1f
    @user-ie4oc5sf1f says:

    35:13 yessss recipes are so daunting to me and I never have the mental space for them by the time dinner rolls around. Always having this convo with my friends and they just don’t get how cooking this way could be fun and freeing. But yeah, the more you do it, the easier it is! Now I would never go back to rigid meal planing and recipes. I just couldn’t!

  7. @theresabarrientos3822
    @theresabarrientos3822 says:

    Hi girls. Love your videos Lisa. I’m 62 year old of one daughter who I had at 40 years old. Boy I wished I had known about all the natural foods. Although my Mom loved cooking and we had homemade foods growing up. Unfortunately I’ve really backslid in using convenience foods. I’m gonna work on getting rid of that mindset. One thing that I did when my daughter was little about eating foods is, I would tell her, “Honey you just have to take one bite and if you don’t like eat you don’t have to eat it.” 9 times out of 10 she liked it. So needless to say, she ate onions, garlic, seasonings, spicey ect. as a child. To this day she always tries new foods. She’s 22 years old and not picky 😂 Happy New Year and God bless.

  8. @samanthahoos9827
    @samanthahoos9827 says:

    Instant pot: 4 cups rice & 5 cups water, push rice button and when done fluff, put in small one/two cup containers in the refrigerator for use in various meals during the week. My daughter (26) loves making eggs with onions/peppers (from summer harvest chopped and frozen in kitchen freezer) and rice (from refrigerator) as a go to meal. I freeze yogurt with fruit in small containers to take in my lunch bag for work so it’s slightly thawed by the time I eat at work. I bake bacon on my ceramic cookie pan, put the bacon in the refrigerator for sandwiches after it’s cooked, add olive oil to the bacon grease and pour sourdough discard over the greased pan, bake 35 minutes on 350’F and we have yummy flatbread to add to scrambled eggs or soup. 😊

  9. @mlee7037
    @mlee7037 says:

    Thank you both so much! I am loving this! I am an elementary school teacher in my 20th year. I think some of my friends just don’t understand why it is important for me to feed my husband and son well. After being at school from about 6:155:00ish, they think cooking is not important, but feeding my family is my gift to them. My way of showing them how much I love them. I am glad to know others understand. ❤

  10. @missmartpants2269
    @missmartpants2269 says:

    I throw frozen ground beef in the pan and start cooking it and my guy says "you can do that?" And im like "my girl Lisa @farmhouse taught me this years ago😁. It works. I made my 1st pumpkin pie crust and all last night with my husband and it was pretty darn good for my 1st try. Thanks for the inspiration over the years Lisa! God bless!

  11. @tammymarple5347
    @tammymarple5347 says:

    lol I had to laugh about the kids interrupting while you’re trying to cook. When my boys were small ( 4yrs, 2. 1/2 yr, and 6 mo), I remember being in the kitchen and wearing headphones so it muffled their loudness but I could see that they were fine and I could continue working knowing they were ok , just being boys, and eventually they discovered that mom “didn’t hear” when they complained about the others so they stopped complaining. And sometimes I gave them a “job” to do such as washing the veggies or putting something in the bowl. You just have to go with the flow. lol. Happy home making 😊🥰

  12. @kathrynmoll86
    @kathrynmoll86 says:

    Thanks for taking time out of your busy ‘mommy’ schedule to share great information and special fast food tips.
    Your episodes are educational and inspirational to say the least! Happy New Year to you and your family! ❤🥰🙏🏼🤗

  13. @tammymarple5347
    @tammymarple5347 says:

    Good morning 🙏😊 and thank you! What great ideas you share. So many people don’t think of homemade as fast food and it really can be and so much better for us!
    Love your podcasts

    Have a blessed week


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