From Failure To $600k In Funding With Dan Cheung | 086

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21 replies
  1. Beabul FX
    Beabul FX says:

    It is good for an interviewer to be interviewed sometimes…. seeing @DanCheung from a different light because he is the one being interviewed this time…

    Top 5 lessons learnt:

    1. There is a difference between a live account, a funded account, and a challenge account. They are not the same, don't try trading them the same way.
    2. Last year was his hardest year and his best year because it allowed him to improve, grow, and evolve successfully.
    3. Doubling the zero behind ($100k to $1m) is like jumping 10 steps… take it a step at a time.
    4. With everything bothering you about trading…. ask… so what? Had a losing trade… So what? Had a massive winning trade…So what? Don't let these emotional fallacies get the best of us.
    5. While profitability is great, as an investor and trader, focus more on consistency. You wanna go for the long game.

    Additional point… Macroeconomics and swing trading is the real deal…
    Congratulations on the new addition coming to the family soon and Welcome to Dubai… I hope to connect with you when I eventually visit Dubai.

    It was an awesome interview… thanks ASFX & Dan

  2. Alhubabmfd TV
    Alhubabmfd TV says:

    I feel reflected in Dan's story, the process he has carried out and the emphasis on achieving the change in mentality and discipline are key, congratulations to Dan and may the blessings continue.
    Thank you ASFX for invited Dan


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