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Today I’m making my favorite sandwich which has air fried chicken thighs, over easy eggs, giardiniera, Hotter Sixer Sauce …

20 replies
  1. Jessi Moths
    Jessi Moths says:

    It's nothing out of the ordinary but we just did BLTAs tonight with lightly marinated tomatoes from our garden, thick-cut pepper bacon, avocado, seedy bread, and Truff spicy aioli. Soooo satisfying. Only worth doing when the tomatoes are good or they're trash.

  2. Mike
    Mike says:

    Yo Sean that sandwich is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!! Just might drink a few cold libations tonight and try to duplicate it 🤷‍♂️🤣

  3. rob ervin
    rob ervin says:

    Ok so this episode had so many iconic moments I can’t list them all but one Aly is awesome her conversation with you cracked me up. And you just guzzling water that way I was thinking well he can officially say it’s just water weight lmao I love you Sean


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