French Village Market Tiny Haul

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We visit our local weekly market for a tiny top up shop. How to make a Cornish Pasty: Frugal Queen …

33 replies
  1. Kat V
    Kat V says:

    We have a farmer's market in my city but I avoid it as the organisers charge high rents to the stallholders and the arts aspect of the market means everything is way too expensive.
    Instead I go to the traders market, where the intended customers are restaurants etc but they let anyone in. About the price of the supermarket and just as fresh as the farmers market

  2. Tiziana Previato
    Tiziana Previato says:

    Hi Jane and Michael! I sometimes buy from local farmers, quality is great. I love finding out how to make the most of the veggies I buy. For example, do you know that carrots leaves are edible? I use them to make some pesto, in vegetable soup or to make a frittata. I also don't peel carrots when they are organic. I wash them carefully with a coconut brush.

  3. Una morris
    Una morris says:

    I am very blessed to have a friend who lives on a hobby farm. She gifts me with excess veggies. This year so far I have received tomatoes and green peppers. She told me she is bringing carrots this week and squash in a few more weeks.
    I buy eggs from her grandson who keeps chickens.
    I live in the biggest town in our county(pop.14,000) It is surrounded by fruit, vegetable, dairy and even peanut farms also, wineries and breweries. So we have very popular and extensive farmers markets.
    One of my frugal tips is to mix shampoo, conditioner or shower gel 50/50 with water. It still does a great job and lasts twice as long

  4. Cycling On Plants
    Cycling On Plants says:

    Such lovely vegetables and some bakery items too! Love it! We have a local farm that has a market on their property. Their specialty is broccoli and cauliflower. I'll be going there today to get some of their orange cauliflower, broccoli and maybe some late sweet corn if they have any left. I like to support my local farmers when I can.

  5. French Farmhouse Diaries
    French Farmhouse Diaries says:

    Hi Guys we just found you this morning your very like our selves we are in Normandy renovating a very old farmhouse Morgage and dept free too
    doing all the work our selves as I am a carpenter and joiner with a extensive knowledge in the building trade we are also growing our own food and making all our compost to we really enjoyed these last two videos and will start watching the rest over the next couple of weeks all the best Budo & Tracy

  6. Cheryl Verber
    Cheryl Verber says:

    A lovely video today. Farmers markets are great and you can find some beautiful produce. We recently have a vegan Market in our small town and it was great and I try to eat 2 days meat free and I've learnt lots of tips and ideas from the stall holders. One day I was there chatting away after buying some vegan soft cheese and I accidently let slip I had a pork shoulder in the slow cooker and they said to me y " you are taking baby steps and reducing your carbon foot print " made me smile 😃
    have a lovely weekend

  7. allison Speer
    allison Speer says:

    Love your video today. How charming living in the French countryside. We live in the rural MidWest and alot of us grow vegetable gardens. Most towns have Farmer's Markets every Saturday morning. Usually they are located on the town square. Some are bigger and some are very small. We go occasionally to look at what is being offered, especially vegs thar are "early" before they are ready in our own home gardens. Also sometimes there are other things such as some crafts being sold and the local business are open, such as coffee shops, etc. Some people offer things like "Yoga on the Square" or other classes as well. We do have larger flea market about an hour away, which would be more like a "boot" sale, but regular vegetable/food vendors are there also. Love to see your French lifestyle videos.

  8. momof2
    momof2 says:

    Lovely haul I love rutabaga. The veggies you got are lovely ! The bread must be amazing. The little pumpkin is adorable, and I bet also very delicious. The bit of smoked pork you got looks very flavorful. I know you have been working hard on replenishing your soil, . Have you thought about container gardening ? Veg like tomatoes and sweet peppers are so easy to grow that way. Thanks for sharing 🤗🍃🍂🍁🎃💗✝

  9. Clare Lamberti
    Clare Lamberti says:

    I love a farmers market too and as you say they are not cheap but when you grow your own veg etc like o do you begin to realise just how much work goes into small scale organic farming , for example you can buy honey fairly cheaply in a squeeze bottle but a jar of locally produced honey tastes far superior. The same goes for vegetables you can really taste the difference and you are supporting local which is very important too. Equally as a crafts person the hours that go into making my items are reflected in the price as opposed to something made in China in a large factory !

  10. laurie williams
    laurie williams says:

    the vegetables are beautiful, I visited France a few years ago and was impressed with the quality of the food. I brought a lot of items home to the US and my friend who lives in France always bring goodies for hubby and I

  11. donna weeks
    donna weeks says:

    Lovely vegetables. Not many farmers markets this year with this brutal heat in Texas. I absolutely love rutabagas and I cut in small strips and cook in some smoked pork. It’s so delicious. I just dehydrated some leeks for Winter soups and stews. Thanks for the video. Best to you both.

  12. Lauri Thomasson
    Lauri Thomasson says:

    I was gifted some pork and veggies, I had one that looked like your chard, now I know what it is. I made some soup with chicken broth, carrots, onions and orzo, then poured it over the chard. It is delicious. My favorite stall at our market sells the best croissants and breads, she also sells the kouign-ananns. They are all delicious.

  13. Kathy Kujawa
    Kathy Kujawa says:

    so glad you splurged a little on such lovely produce. does you market also carry cheese, butter, and garlic? i remember buying them in the Paris markets too. also dried beans in old fashioned burlap sacks. just love looking at all the natural produce that i know will actually have flavor. i agree- i dont do much sauce on veggies- just S & P and a bit of butter or olive oil. simple and so satisfying. also since you mentioned there were alot of local growers- did they also have bushels of apples or plums or fruits for making jams? just curious. my friend just dropped off about 15 lbs of pears– so my Mother and Me will have a peeling party and make up so slices in simple syrup as well as some pear/apple sauce. might even try a pear coffee cake. have a good weekend.

  14. kami crum
    kami crum says:

    In Californias central san Joaquin valley, there are several farmer's markets every summer, it seems like each little valley town has a fsrmers market at most you are buying directly from the farmer who grew it!😄👍🏻

  15. Sherlyn Patterson
    Sherlyn Patterson says:

    Nice grocery haul from your local farmers market. Do you regrow the leeks from the root end scraps? We have two popular channels in the USA one is called Mornings With Granny and the other is called Quaint Housewife. A couple years ago these channels would create "What If" or "Starving Student" food challenges. These challenges would take multiple ingredients to make up meals from bits and pieces of the most minimal amounts of products. You could make a lot from your food haul the week. Do you have a chutney recipe using the pumpkin and leeks? A Rutabaga frittatas using some of the chard, leek, meat and carrot tops? I like to dehydrate the dark green portions of the leek to powder up for seasoning blends during the winter months.

  16. Gary Gnagey
    Gary Gnagey says:

    We have a farmer’s market here in my area of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA, that is open every Friday year round called, “The Green Dragon”! They sell locally grown vegetables and fruits and sell meat raised on local farms! They sell Amish made baked goods that are made at the bottom of the hill I live on (bread, pies, cakes, cookies, homemade candy, doughnuts,homemade jams and jellies) and there are also stores with with other wares. Unfortunately, there are no crusty loaves of French bread or chutneys which I dearly love! Greetings from your friend, Deb Gnagey

  17. trena7770
    trena7770 says:

    I love going to farmers markets! I also love trying new things that they grow or make that usually isn’t available in stores. We have several local farm markets that stagger their day of the week and the hours in a 20 mile radius, so that’s pretty convenient. I’ve even drove an hour to a friends farm market because she has the best elderberry jelly. I bought Cubanelle peppers from her this year for the first time, and found a chorizo stuffed Cubanelle pepper recipe. It turned out so good I bought more and made them again haha! I got the best ever Cantaloupe melon from another local market this year too. I have terrible luck with growing melons here in the Adirondack mountains (upstate New York), so it’s nice and inspirational to get a really good one from a local source. Hopefully one day I will be able to achieve this.
    I don’t think farm markets are over priced, as you are getting better quality. Especially from those that are growing organic and may not get “optimum” harvests by using chemicals and pesticides. I know I have my good years and bad years with my gardens. Weather, bugs, poor layout… this year was not so great. So I’ve been frequenting the farm markets for the more successful gardeners much more this year.
    I’m really curious about your pumpkin you bought. I’ve never heard of that type! What is it about it that makes it your favorite?

  18. Nic knows best
    Nic knows best says:

    This is my favorite Frugal Queen in France video! How charming!
    We have several Amish and Mennonite local farms that sell directly to customers within a couple of miles of my home. I am from Lancaster County, PA, USA. I have taken this for granted but I’m going to make more of an effort to shop there! You have inspired me! My favorite items are the fresh eggs and pickled beets!

  19. Candace S
    Candace S says:

    Gorgeous vegetables! I also go to my local farmers market. It's quite a large and busy one, but there are 2 great organic farms offering produce and several conventional ones. There's a fish monger and a kiosk that sells grass fed beef, pastured chicken etc . There is a kiosk that sells foraged mushrooms , there's coffee, bakery products (great bread – that I can't have unfortunately) and all manner of cooked foods, ethnic foods, handmade soaps etc. I don't go every week, but have a lot of fun walking around to see everything. I, however, have been sticking to my budget! 😊


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