Freezer Meals For New Moms! Postpartum Prep! 21 Dinners Ready To Go! 8 New Dinner Recipe Ideas!

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Hey party people! Thanks so much for hanging out with me while I share with you these new 21 meals and 8 recipes freezer meal …

38 replies
  1. MG 83
    MG 83 says:

    I really like who you are and used to love your videos but I had to stop watching. I can't understand why having droves of kids had to mean going from vegan to completely thoughtless and flippant about eating animals. For someone who had a conscience about it at one point, it's really upsetting to see how little it matters to you now. Plenty of YT influencers eat meat, I get it. But to see it glorified and automatic here just kills my faith in humanity. How does someone go from caring about animals enough not to eat them to then displaying their carcuses with a huge smile, laughing about it on a highly viewed video? How can a person's morality be that malleable…

  2. Valeria Gandin
    Valeria Gandin says:

    Watching this right after the news about baby birth ! Congrats and hope you find these meels helpful during postpartum recovery ! Catching up on the latest videos while waiting for baby gender and name reveal video !!! Lots of love from Italy

  3. Amy Pletcher
    Amy Pletcher says:

    This freezer meal was fabulous!! Know you were exhausted Kim but you did it for you and your family to eat and enjoy!!! As well as entertain us!! I do have a question if you get a chance to answer actually 2 questions. First, we have 3 in our house so that much meat, I would just divide the meals equally into more bags, correct? They are not much into left overs. Second one, is the coconut curry spicy? And does it have to be with coconut milk? The concept sounds good but I don't do super spicy nor do I like coconut anything. Kid does but husband and I are more traditional milk or regular cream. Lol Thanks for your answers 😀!

  4. Sparkle
    Sparkle says:

    Since I watched this video 2 days after you posted it, I hope you and your family are safe during and after Hurricane Ian went through. The baby could be here by now!!! I think you are having a boy!

  5. high true!
    high true! says:

    How? How are you abke to stand for so long!? I once was prego with 4 and i could barely stand 30 min and my feet would swell or my back would give out! 😅 i couldn’t even comb my hair without my arm getting tired! Lol


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