Freezer Full of FREE Food! My friend was in a CRABBY situation…

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50 replies
  1. Terri Davidson
    Terri Davidson says:

    We eat those ramen bowls with pot stickers for a quick dinner or weekend lunch. You could make those hashbrowns and the mini frittata along with a little milk gravy with sausage grease to top them with and I bet the hubs would eat that up as the gravy would mask the healthy. LOL

  2. Jodi Schoolcraft
    Jodi Schoolcraft says:

    Professional organizer here – Be careful just because it’s frozen doesn’t mean it’s OK… Typically after six -12 months there’s already problems (as they were not taken out and packaged properly) and as you open and close the freezer there’s temperature changes so it’s never fully safe

  3. Tammy Bultmann
    Tammy Bultmann says:

    You could do some pork belly in the air fryer, roast it in the oven, put slices in a stir fry, or just slice it into strips and fry in the cast iron. Fried pork belly, baked beans, and some hash brown potatoes and dinner is served.

    For the pork tenderloin I marinate them in a mixture of soya sauce (1/2 cup) , honey (1/4 cup), fresh garlic (2 tblspn), a pinch of white pepper, and a pinch of ginger. Stir that all together and set aside. Take 6-8 pieces on bacon and wrap around the tenderloin, over lapping so the entire tenderloin is wrapped. Place in in a glass 9×11 baking dish and pour the marinade over top of tenderloin. Marinade for at least 2 hours. Cook in a 350 degree oven until done. Approximately 20 minutes per pound. I usually serve this with rice and fresh vegetables.

  4. Cathy Fink
    Cathy Fink says:

    Wow wow wow!! That's like $1000 worth of food (or more!) I would of cleaned her freezer just for the 10 pound pork belly and the lamb!
    For that big pork belly I would defrost, cut into more manageable sizes, and freeze again. I like pork belly in the crockpot with a mustard sauce or a green chile sauce.
    Acai is pronounced uh-sigh 🙂 Dragon fruit has a very very mild flavor. I like it in smoothies or mixed with other fruit. A girl I used to work with ate jack fruit all the time, I tried a bite and thought it tasted bad but maybe it was the way she prepared it. I'll be watching to see what you do with it!

  5. Nona Yubusi
    Nona Yubusi says:

    For the chicken wings you can bbq them in your slow cooker, see recipe on Pinterest; when done you put on sheet pan to crisp up I. Oven. Quick and easy. Have made them and delicious. There are many different recipes.

  6. Rae
    Rae says:

    You’re so cute 😂 the Aflac bowls are pronounced “ah-sigh-ee” (açaí) and I only know this from working at a smoothie shop years ago !

  7. Lorean Schaffer
    Lorean Schaffer says:

    So girl , you were definitely blessed with this frozen food haul. You have an Awesome friend. I love watching your Videos. And little fingers poking holes in the plastic is bound to happen. But it's no big deal. Just put a couple wraps of plastic wrap on the whole pkg. and poke problem solved. Kids will be kids. As far as what to do with all that food .Dig out those Cookbooks and go at it. As you pour over those Cookbooks ideas will come to mind. And by all means have fun. Because we your Viewers will enjoy watching your creations. God Bless You and your family and the Friend whom blessed you with all that freezer food.

  8. Kate’s Karing Korner
    Kate’s Karing Korner says:

    Caroline 😊
    FYI Jackfruit is what vegetarians and vegans use as a chicken substitute. It’s great for barbecue pulled mock chicken, mock chicken tacos, mock chicken soup and such.
    Although it is a fruit, it is not good raw. The same a plantains are best cooked, so is jackfruit. Dragon fruit, however is fantastic sweet and fun!

  9. Ellegaitor
    Ellegaitor says:

    Me and my friend do this a lot we will go through our freezer and take out anything we bought but haven’t used and don’t fancy it then swap lol so we get to try new things x

    KARENCOGS says:

    I just made chicken wings last night. I just put them in a foiled cookie sheet, spray a little olive oil, salt and pepper, garlic powder. Cook on 400 for about 40 minutes. Then turn it up to 450 for another 10 min to crisp them up. I melt some butter and mix them with a little butter and favorite wings sauce. Very easy!

  11. Nadia Denning
    Nadia Denning says:

    How sweet of your friend to gift you all the food I would love that! That would be my Christmas present lol 😆 definitely take advantage of any food being given away you know I wish the grocery stores would donate about 80 percent throw out food.

  12. Zero waste mama
    Zero waste mama says:

    I would Maybe try to can some of the stuff if it doesn’t fit in your freezer? Wow what a great friend ! I don’t let anything go to waste so I love this video so much!! Your videos are funny and keep me and my daughters smiling 😊

  13. The Inquisitive Farmwife
    The Inquisitive Farmwife says:

    What an amazing haul of food! I wonder if you could either use Clorox wipes or maybe just a sink of bleach water to wipe off all the packaging to try and help get rid of the odor? Amazing how when you are least expecting it, God will bless you with the abundance …. Especially when you are willing to do a little work for it! Wish you had your freeze dryer set up, that would’ve helped you preserve some of this! Soon….sooon… lol! Canned meat is the best!

  14. Cynthia Murphy
    Cynthia Murphy says:

    Wow, I can only imagine how much your friend must have spent on those groceries. I never buy the "fancy" freezer stuff or do restaurants or fast food anymore and frankly don't miss it but wouldn't mind trying some of what you're showing. Lol. I love fish myself and don't mind the smell. I do get funny looks or questions when I pick up canned mackerel.

  15. Wilma Baker
    Wilma Baker says:

    I left a message yesterday but I guess it didn't go through,it was kinda long so maybe that's why.Fresh from the pack or can of ground coffee will get rid of odorsI haven't try it on the freezer but coffee doesn't freeze.Some fish got left in my car once overnight and it was summer ,so you can imagine what my car smelled like.Badddd😀I put coffee where the fish were within just a short while the smell was gone.Awesome gift from your friend ,she truly blessed you.😀♥️Corn beef,love it but haven't had it in a long time it is so expensive..❤️🙏I just noticed I said a can of ground coffee,that was a mistake you don't need a whole can .😀♥️

  16. Proud Mamma of 6
    Proud Mamma of 6 says:

    You could put fresh coffee grounds in your freezer or I believe charcoal is the other item that will absorb some of the smell. A container of kitty litter might work as well.

    ETA: I make a soup using the dumplings. I call it a wonton soup but technically it's a dumpling soup. So good.

  17. Lifeat TheTerrace
    Lifeat TheTerrace says:

    Whilst it’s a great haul for you; I’m not sure if it was my crab legs freezer smell that I could justify throwing it away (or gifting it to you)
    I think I would just have to suck it up (wear a mask maybe?) and wash or repackage everything as so many others have suggested you do.
    I don’t think I could throw away my entire freezer contents just because of a smell; the plastic was sealed on the bacon, the beef mince, the fruits & veggies…I would have wiped them & put them back in the freezer once I’d cleaned it. I’m a bit shocked that people throw away food like this, especially frozen as it can’t cross contaminate whilst frozen.
    I don’t mean any rudeness or disrespect but I’m rather shocked.
    Great for your family tho, looking forward to seeing all your food videos xx

  18. Charity Westcott
    Charity Westcott says:

    Please make a video of how to home can ground beef! I brown 3lbs of it at a time, with green peppers and onions, and freeze it. But, we've had massive power outages 3 summers in a row. That would save so much worry and possible lost money. What a blessing you received! 💜 Can't wait to see what you create with it!


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