Food Vs Exercise for Weight Loss #shorts

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9 replies
  1. Frances Darwin
    Frances Darwin says:

    showing chocolates as processed food is misleading in that there are lots of “healthy” processed foods that have tonnes of sugar: juice, any sauces, crackers, cereal…Even a can of tonic water has 4 teaspoons of sugar in it! Read the labels. You’ll be shocked. 4g = 1tsp

  2. custodiansrock
    custodiansrock says:

    Carbs and sugar. We eat too much of them. Don't believe me? Keep a food journal for two weeks of every food and drink you consume. Then go back and add up how many carbs and how much processed sugar you consume per day. It was one of the most eye-opening things I've ever done.

  3. Rob Travis
    Rob Travis says:

    What happens when your metabolism is so low from not working out and being sedentary. Then your told eat healthy, but if you don't weight train you won't build up your metabolism and create a reasonable calorie deficit


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