Food Shortages! 10 Ways to Not Starve When the Chicken is ALL GONE!

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There is NOT ANY Chicken on the Shelves! What do you eat? Watch Next: 15 Foods That NEVER Expire! Ready …

37 replies
  1. Priscilla bohn
    Priscilla bohn says:

    we always buy our leg quarters in a 10 lb. bag and I cut them seal them and make all the recipes you just said we pay $4 a bag. I have 30 lbs. in freezer for the 2 of us. my neighbor when he gives us his excess eggs, we freeze half of them.
    Get your turkeys now people

  2. Mark Watkins
    Mark Watkins says:

    I work for Tyson foods ,34 years still running same amount chicken.goverment bullfroging you on food shortage yes we short gov.packing it into underground bunkers the red cross shipping our food overseas crisis area they don't want people stock up runs them short like giving millions away give us none we have enough they say.grab all you can but they said we come your house take what we need if crisis hits stock up your house it's not safe where can you hide a room full food not gonna be easy task

  3. Yvonne Styhr
    Yvonne Styhr says:

    Completely agree with all of the meal ideas. If you have a small salad, toasted bread from the oven, any vegetable and meat. You can then have this dinner for two nights. Tacos can be stretched because of all the condiments used to fill the tacos like lettuce, cheese, chili, pico de gallo, cucumbers, cilantro and more. We started using refried beans as a topping on our tacos as well. Delish!

  4. S M-A
    S M-A says:

    I use those same leg quarter bags for canning on the bone. It works great! That also feeds our extended family of twelve for a barbecue. If it's just us, it's 3 meals at least with a good side. $6 for the bag is not something I ever pass up when I'm there!

  5. White Pine Homestead
    White Pine Homestead says:

    People… you're going to have to make meat the side kick in your meals instead of the hero to get your food to go further…. just saying…

    I just paid .99 cents a pound for drumsticks on sale at my local store and I bought a bunch.

  6. Honey Hollow Homestead
    Honey Hollow Homestead says:

    I mostly buy the leg quarters, they have better flavor. I raise chickens and Muscovy ducks. I'm good for eggs. I just gave away 12 dozen eggs at church, and probably taking the same amount to the food bank in a few weeks.

  7. Laura Brown
    Laura Brown says:

    just ordered the DOAD Vol 1 book 'cause you keep tempting me with that maple chicken! just checked out chix legs at store $1.99 a lb WHAT???! for legs??? its only just begun

  8. Sue Bryant
    Sue Bryant says:

    I look at this as a good time to test out and experiment with all the egg substitutes we have available. Two I’ve used before are the liquid that comes with canned garbanzo beans (Aquafaba) and ground flax seeds. many times applesauce or some other fruit purée can be substituted. Have fun exploring!

  9. Kristy B
    Kristy B says:

    23 million chickens have been killed so far in the US and the number is climbing daily. Time to get your house in order if you haven’t already. Control the food, control the people. I can’t help but believe this was all planned. The PCR tests being used are highly unreliable and one positive test means all your birds have to be killed. It’s pushing small farmers even further off the cliff. What I find strange is it doesn’t seem to be hitting corporate farms like Tyson, etc just the small, independent farmers. Coincidence? Not likely

  10. Kate Henry
    Kate Henry says:

    I remember a campaign promise VERY long time ago: a chicken in every pot every Sunday. That meant there was not chicken in the pot for much longer than that as a common rule. If ALLL you eat is chicken yer in trouble. The US did just fine without it… better with, but ok without.

  11. Jackie Balenger
    Jackie Balenger says:

    They killed 13M hen laying chickens in Iowa. Minnesota bans sales of poultry for 30 days. It's planned to create food scarcity and hyper inflation on food. Also there's another issue as the railroads are not delivering grain as part of the force majeure directed by go'vt. Think dairy cows that are not being feed and and that owners will need to send them to be kill feed lots…. Milk, cheese, all dairy. It take 8 years to mature a dairy cow to produce. stock up


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