Food Shortage Update – SUBSCRIBER REPORTS – Empty Shelves (March 23)

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Shortages across the USA and Empty Shelves being reported by subscribers. What we’re seeing firsthand from stores. Especially …

20 replies
  1. sam1953
    sam1953 says:

    It's nice that you offer these videos about how to survive a nuclear Holocaust. However, I am one of those people who would choose not to survive such an ordeal. The world would not be worth living in after that.
    Also, maybe food shortages would be a good thing for most of us Americans since we are the fattest nation in the world.

  2. TheRestoration
    TheRestoration says:

    they aren't going to use Nukes. They are going to crank up the fiveG that will give you the same as radiation sickness and burns. Like everything they do they will fake a nuke to bring it all down and blame someone else

  3. Laura Nadel
    Laura Nadel says:

    Aldi today looking bleak(er) than two weeks ago in NEFL. Even less fresh produce; practically no meat; no creamer; dairy low; no potatoes which was a first; bread low; crackers of all types gone; deli very low. Prepared meal cooler completely empty and covered up and the top loading fridges were mostly frozen treats with the empty one from two weeks ago still empty. All boxed biscuit mixes gone except gluten free; rice and frozen meat almost cleared out. Looks like people have woken up around here and cleared the store of non perishables and things to put in the freezer. More shelving also removed. I grabbed my usual food plus a couple of snacks for my preps (I keep forgetting the junk!) and it was over $200 for what would have in the past been $100- yuck. Also, really appreciated the nuclear video- not something I’d have ever thought about before as I’m a total city girl.

  4. Kso Plans
    Kso Plans says:

    In Brisbane Australia – Cream is in low supply. Rice is also non existent and limits have just been placed on flour (max 2 per shop). Pasta is still available but has increased in price. Water is becoming less available as is oil. Powdered milk was gone recently along with canned fruits like peaches and apples. Fresh fruit and veg is predicated to sky rocket here. We are seeing some inflation now, they are predicting a rough 12 months due to shipping issues, local flooding and other weather events.

  5. Curtis Harrison1
    Curtis Harrison1 says:

    The poor countries are doing ok at this point as Elon Musk donated 5.7 billion dollars to help fight world hunger almost all this money went to the poorest of countries. Thankfully the UN has to prove where every cent is being spent so they cant just pad their pockets with this donation money which is what they normally do. I no 5.7 billion sounds small but in these countries 5 to 10 cents can feed a adult for a entire day. It's not a cure all but for the short term billions of people are being fed by one man.

  6. Schuyler Mayfield
    Schuyler Mayfield says:

    Pantex is a first strike target as far as I can tell. And would likely be struck with a ground burst since it has underground nuclear war head storage. If Amarillo survives the blast. I will be impressed

  7. Erica Bagarello
    Erica Bagarello says:

    Hi Steve, update from Italy. Yesterday our government decided to cut a small part of the 'accise' (25 cents), which are basically taxes added during the last 80/90 years to the cost of fuel. The funny thing about those accise is that many of them are so old that they reach back to the funding of Ethiopian war in 1935, or the gathering of funds for the repairs of the great earthquakes of Belice and Friuli in 1968 and 1976. Needless to say that there are many of them. Funny, funny Italy… However, fuel price went down a bit, from 2,089 euro to 1,799 close to my home, while diesel went down to 1,899 euro. People are not rushing to get fuel but there are voices that the price will not remain like this for long. In the news it was explained that those cuts are good for normal people but not for truckers, because they already have a basic 21 cent discount on the accise for their job, so the real discount for their purchase of fuel is only 4 cents per liter. The drought in the north of Italy is still ongoing, it's not raining and there's no prediction of rain in the next weeks. News on tv are starting to talk about the risk of failing harvests and the government is trying to get EU to lift the limits of the national planting capability to substitute the grains we won't get from Ucraine and from abroad.

  8. S Jordan
    S Jordan says:

    Sent my daughter to Freddy Meyer's yesterday, she came back with a grocery bag of fresh items that I had on my list, as well as a prescription, that they actually had ready; something, they are not always very reliable about.

  9. Mom Of 3
    Mom Of 3 says:

    God needs to be part of the solution. God’s name needs to be on everyone’s lips. He will make you walk the path to protect yourself with food and all the necessities you and your family needs. Jesus I trust in you.


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