Food Prep & Pork Dinners for the Week // Instant Pot, Airfryer & Cast Iron

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10 replies
  1. John Grady
    John Grady says:

    I get the pork loin at Sam's. I cut it up when I get home. Place the chops on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Place in freezer for a couple of hours. Place in food saver bags.

  2. Paulla Wells
    Paulla Wells says:

    You did kinda stumble onto a cute little series didn't you? LOL Definitely a beef week, fresh water fish week, seafood week, vegetarian week. Then if you really find yourself enjoying doing this series, the types of weeks could be limitless almost if you start looking at things like Chinese week, Japanese week, Greece week, Southwest USA week, etc. I think you could keep it going for years. LOL

    Little Levi after his bites again I see. LOL Lucky kid to have a hollow leg. Po is doing really good at staying and waiting. One thought I had to help train him, or her, I've never asked, lol, would be if he likes peanut butter, place a tad on his nose. Kind of balled up, but sticky enough he'd really have to work for it to get it. Then when you move onto loose food that will fall right off he'll wait til you give the command. Just a thought. I wish my parent's were here to ask them how they trained their cockers to do it.


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