Food Bank Haul With Meal 9-13-22 | Addressing the stereotypes of going to the food bank

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Hope this video helps encourage other’s to not be embarrassed to seek help! Here is my email for anyone who would like to …

40 replies
  1. Madeline Hall
    Madeline Hall says:

    I'm a single retired senior that is blessed to have help when I need it I make my grocery list around what I get from the monthly food pantry in Chicago. I worked and paid taxes and supported our food banks with donations, food drives, and voluluteering, when I was working. The food pantry helps us to also cut down on waste. When we all say, "We all need to help each other," we need to remember that we all at times may need. We need the help or we help those that need.
    This month I got a nice produce box of califlower, peppers,onions, tomatoes, celery, peaches, apples and plums. The frozen raw meats were beef burgers, turkey burgers, chicken drumsticks, and chicken brushetta squares. I also got can goods, dish soap, laundry detergent, soap, shampoo and conditioner. I received eggs, 2%milk, almond milk, peanut butter and jelly. My big grocery cart was full with 3 boxes of food. I'm good for the month or more. I don't need to go every month.

  2. ksewald
    ksewald says:

    Not sure of any food banks locally. I have been hitting local family owned stores where they have meat markdown often and can it in meal size amounts. A few veggies from the garden to can. Bought seconds peaches from orchard and made slices and jam.

  3. Faith
    Faith says:

    Honestly life is too short to worry about everyone who judges you. We all have to do the best we can to take care of our families and there is no shame in getting food you need to feed your family. That is what the food bank is for to help you. I like that you teach how to use what you get. It's helping so many to stretch the food they have to last longer.

  4. Cha Cha
    Cha Cha says:

    I think your doing a good service to show people how to cook with the food bank food , that will help many that really have a need but don’t know how to cook it , good job ❤

  5. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    We got three nice bags if apples that we can't eat all up so I'm going to make apple pie jam. Food bank Apple's. We don't pick out what we want they cram our car full. There's never any worries about seeing anyone why? What are they doing there? But I have never ever seen anyone I know infact I remind them to go. I have no shame needing a boost of help.

  6. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    Food banks are wonderful if you think the worries by what to buy in a store. Some give flats of food were I dehydrate it up. It's better then the dumpster and yes they throw it out. I I bought what the food bank gave it's about two hundred on a pickup. You just drive and they fill your car. All you need is to fill a form. Address I'd is new but that's all. We have a country jumping with people and each town has there own funds. I will take anything I canto help and put away but what they give makes us rich in many ways.

  7. Barbara Rote
    Barbara Rote says:

    I just found your channel. I have been introduced to a ministry that takes the LEFTOVERS after food banks distrubute food to families. It's produce that is past it prime but still there is some good produce. Otherwise the LEFTOVERS are sent to a land fill and some may go to farmers to feed to their animals. I get a load of produce which I then go through and I either can, dehydrate or freeze. It is a lot of work, no lying but when I'm done I have jars of preserved foods and food in my freezer. I repeat – this is food that is LEFTOVER from various food banks. There is rarely meats or dairy but the produce is appreciated.

  8. Dogtown Acres
    Dogtown Acres says:

    This is really great! Apparently, Americans are now eating at fast food restaurants in record numbers because of the cost of groceries. Good for you for showing them that it's okay to use the food banks and you're showing them how to cook…yay!

  9. Praying Couple Cooking Series
    Praying Couple Cooking Series says:

    Sliding in with love and support to brighten your day from Atlanta Ga nothing wrong with the food bank it's available why not utilize it nice pantry haul outstanding job on the chicken & cauliflower salad look so delicious first time visiting bell is on my husband volunteer at the food pantry so they give him lots of goodies we bless one's in need with it enjoyed until the end #LovePeaceAlways

  10. Betty Miller
    Betty Miller says:

    Good morning first time watching
    Thanks for the tip about soaking the broccoli & cauliflower. I agree with you earlier about doing and adjusting what's best for you and your family .take care. 🙌💟

  11. Nicky Wiedmeier
    Nicky Wiedmeier says:

    As someone who has worked & RECEIVED! From the food bank I love that you show ppl how to use stuff. I actually grew up in a house where my parents didn’t know how to cook from scratch so I didn’t either. When I needed. To use one later on for bags of beans and rice I honestly didn’t know what to do with them. I luckily figured it out but it’s amazing to have you in here showing people!

  12. Deshia
    Deshia says:

    I really like your channel. It helps to remove the stigma of having to use a food bank. It sounds like your community is pretty smart by donating food that would be thrown away anyway! Our country wastes so much food. All grocery stores should be doing that. I think we're all are going to realize that we need to find other ways to support our families. Just look at the grocery store shelves. We need gardens, to collect rainwater and learn how to barter. Our government will be trying to regulate that soon as well but your channel has a lot of great information so keep it up!


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