Food Bank Haul With Canning 3-9-23 | Water Bath and Dehydrating With No FANCY Equipment!!

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23 replies
  1. Jacqueline Carralero
    Jacqueline Carralero says:

    Thank you so much, because of you I went to my mobile food bank today. I can't stress this enough thank you for giving me the peep talk I needed to finally do this. Now I need a recipe for a pound of hazelnuts. Thank you and God bless. 🤗

  2. karbear26
    karbear26 says:

    My niece doesn’t like the crust on her sandwiches so my sister-in-law saves them and put them in her freezer and then makes croutons with them. She cuts them up tosses them with olive oil and Parmesan and then bakes them like you did. They turn out really good!

  3. doggie rascal
    doggie rascal says:

    The church I go to they give out food I'm a volunteer at the church they let us take food home so my house is filled with food meet sometimes they have milk chips sweets and produce they call the church the chicken Church it's in Roanoke Virginia

  4. Dreadybear Ichode
    Dreadybear Ichode says:

    Hi there, I say this from a place of love….

    I work in a food bank, and we are experiencing the opposite problem from what you described. Over the past 9 months, we've seen such an explosion in visitors that every week, dozens of people get turned away without food, at every pantry location.

    These are not places one should go to help reduce food waste. They are places one goes when they can't access food on their own.

    I'm saying this all because it appears you have a large following, and we all know how video trends can spread like wildfire.

    Yes, if you and your family are facing food insecurity, PLEASE go to your local pantries. However, don't do this as an "experience".

    And I assure you, at this day and age, there isn't a lack of visitors to the point that a pantry might get closed down. If they get closed down, it's likely due to other issues, but not a lack of need.

    Again, just trying to ensure these resources are preserved for those who truly couldn't access food without them.

  5. denise odaniels
    denise odaniels says:

    Mama Baird…speaking of drying bread-i make a big pan of cornbread. after we have several pieces with beans-i crumble it all (not too small) up on a cookie sheet and dry it in the oven till crunchy and hard. i use it for cold cereal. i put the big crumbles in a bowl and add milk and sugar. its so good. i learn so much from your videos. thank u for this fun channel.

  6. Nicole Smith
    Nicole Smith says:

    I think that was the best video you've made bc you showed how to do things WITHOUT the fancy equipment. I'm currently saving for a pressure canner, I've been apprehensive to try water bath canning, but you really showed me how easy it can be. Thanks!

    ANN ACNE SPA says:

    I live in a city of 300,000 in Ontario Canada, which is a med, sized working class city here…Today i was at one of the 5 main food banks we have in this city and the sign said you can only go to one food bank every two weeks (they are all connected in the computer). due to a high amt of people in need. However, it was a HUGE BLESSING, I got a little ceasars pizza and cold KFC chicken donations, PLUS, a bag of potatoes, carrots and apples, 2 bread, eggs margarine quart of milk, box ceral, apple sauce goldfish crackers 2 lbs. noodles and spaghetti sauces and canned tomatoes, fresh tomatoes..2 tunas, a whole chicken pb and jam, 5 cans soup, canned corn, beans it went on and on, SO MANY GOOD ITEMS and I even turned DOWN A %LB OF FROZEN PEAS, i heard you say you like peas, personally, I dont care for them at all, and oranges??? Oranges are for rich people here, a dollar each, no problem, clementines are like 80 cents each..must be because of the border…there is a thing with citrus fruit….We are not allowed to bring any citrus fruit across the border –PERIOD its a rule, when you go on vacation or shopping in the U. S, we are not allowed to bring that over the border–its contraband,,not sure why—did you know that??

    ANN ACNE SPA says:

    owning items doesn't make you financially secure or food secure, being prepared for hard times, in case they come is the only sensible thing to do, even if you have nice things.

    ANN ACNE SPA says:

    Another good point is FOOD SECURITY….in todays economy, every month the prices are rising and they say you should have AT LEAST 3 mths of $ and food on hand to be 'stable' that was before covid even, and now, its important even more facing a dropping economy…so everyone living paycheck to paycheck should be taking advantage of any sales or freebies they can use or store that are available to them. Many cities have TONS OF FOOD GOING IN THE GARBAGE so you are doing the ecofriendly thing to do – like you said ALL the prep and packaging and manpower and energy used to grow and pack the food we should be responsible citicens and not wasters. There literally are starving people in this world we forget about too easily

  10. Marcia Pippin
    Marcia Pippin says:

    I save all my bread ends in the freezer and then use it to make homemade stovetop stuffing. It's so easy and delicious. You can vacuum seal it too and keep it on your pantry shelf.

  11. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    Hello Carolina great pantry haul. I love toad in a hole and i like it soft the way you like it my husband gets grossed our when i make dippy eggs or soft eggs my kids like it there eggs runny too my husband always says i broke the kids i just tell him they are smart like their mother. I am so jealous of your snow we didn't get any this year. Hope you have a wonderful week Carolina.


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