Food Bank Haul 4/20/23 Receiving 50 POUNDS of WHAT?!

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25 replies
  1. Ericka Dillman
    Ericka Dillman says:

    Hi! This may sound weird but I would have put the sugar on the floor and hit with a hammer into smaller pieces, then put it in a bucket with bread. You not only make life easier, but release stress too as you hammer the sugar! Lol..Make sure it's still in the bag as you hammer it tho!😂

  2. greyeaglem
    greyeaglem says:

    I don't think baking was the issue with the pie. I think it needed a couple more eggs. When you do the next bag of sugar I would beat the bag with a hammer before opening to break it up more. Also, the drink is pronounced La Croy (rhymes with boy), La Croix is French for La Crosse and the drink is made in La Crosse, WI. I enjoyed the video.

  3. mehtarelingolien
    mehtarelingolien says:

    Cream of mushroom soup with leeks and wild rice.

    I was a little concerned when you didn't discard the moldy piece before adding the rolls to the bucket; hopefully none of that mold got on the sugar. Mold LOVES sugar!

  4. kannske
    kannske says:

    I like to cook a mix of half white long grain rice and half wild rice mix (1/2 cup each) according to package directions. While that is cooking, I sautée sliced mushrooms and diced onions together in butter. I then combine the mushrooms and onions into the cooked rice. It makes a delicious side dish to a steak meal!!!

  5. MT Whyte
    MT Whyte says:

    Oh my gosh that brown sugar is lifesaver. You can make cookies pie's cakes. You can make your own caramel. I think I would die if they ever had sugar or brown sugar at my food banks. We have eight food banks running in our local area, and I'm signed up for 4. You can go to two of them every two weeks and then the other two I'm going to go to it's only once a month. And we are no longer in food stamps so I'll be going to food banks regular

  6. Candi Smith
    Candi Smith says:

    To break up the brown sugar I would try my food processor or blender, might just do the trick. Also the trick to those pre-made pie shells is to let them come to room temperature and then roll them out on a flowered surface to about 12 inches. Makes them so much easier to fit nicely on 9 or 10 inch pie plates and a whole lot easier to crimp the edges.

    SAMMI NORRIS says:

    Ps mom and i went to longhorn steakhouse to celebrate something and they had stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer and omg they were sooooooo good. Otherwise i like either a good steak hoagie with mushroom gravy or put em on my pizzas or i like to have them over chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans!

    SAMMI NORRIS says:

    Suddenly I want, no, I NEED fish sticks 😂😂 idk the last time I had any lol prob when I was a kid 😂 but as a 33 year old i GOTTA add to my Kroger delivery this week lol

    SAMMI NORRIS says:

    If you believe in your heart of hearts you are blessed with endless abundance, that is what you shall have! And staying thankful for EVERYTHING! I KNOW you believe and behave that way! God will ALWAYS take care of you and provide EXACTLY what you need!! ❤so glad you got great things to use and share!!

    Ps i wonder about putting the sour patch kids into the fruit salad lol may help preserve it snd hive it tang and sweetness -plus the juice from the fruit will melt the outside sprinkles on the SPK 😂 worth a shot on a small amount after the normal batch is made.

  10. Claude Parish
    Claude Parish says:

    Pam says- if you still have that pie leftover, consider crumbling it together and using it as the base of a granola bar batch, or a crumble on an apple pie or dump cake. 😎

  11. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    Brown sugar no problem you need a raw piece of terracotta socked in water put in brown sugar it stays soft when Cotta dry sock again and place in . I have brown sugar bears in mine and when I do home made cookies to stay soft all my seasonings have Cotta leaf's in everyone dry so any moisture it keeps out of seasoning to stay not clump bad if wet or by a over that's a no no .

  12. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    Really sucks on trying to not have sugar . Have to get some meds down so over the age of 50 your blood sugar can only be 88 to 108 I almost was in a comma scarry so everything has sugar even fruit . But my daughter is doing lettuce wraps with tuna or chicken I get pink grapefruit. But my husband gets food food yep I can't cut the man who works. Oh ya TEMU I bought him salad cup's, really cool way to wrap a sandwich and cookies along with happy face bags for carrots, ect snack dip . There six drink go fill drink container we fill.


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