Food Addiction Recovery Week – DAY 4 | Food Addiction & Emotional Eating with Rebecca Martinez

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5 DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES to support your weight loss:

28 replies
  1. Christine Lid
    Christine Lid says:

    I absolutely loved hearing everything that Rebecca had to say, what an inspiration and testimony! I just wanted to share with her that The Crappy Childhood Fairy on YouTube really helped me, and if she hasn’t watched her, she might absolutely love her! Thank you Rebecca, for sharing so much!

  2. Cathy Switzer
    Cathy Switzer says:

    Please tell us the name of the movie Rebecca mentioned, I listened 3 times and still couldn’t catch it. 😜
    Thank you so much for sharing your story Rebecca, it inspires me to keep trying. I’ve been working on “transitioning to WFPB” for 12 years now. SO many excuses and so much self-sabotage. Your story was so relatable to me. PLEASE write the cookbook! Bless you!!

  3. Patti Barricelli
    Patti Barricelli says:

    Chef AJ, I have to say that this is one of best interviews I've ever seen on your show. Rebecca is so lovely! She has obviously spent some serious time learning to get at the root of some of the issues that drive her challenges with keeping at a healthy weight. I really appreciated how forthcoming she was with her personal struggles. Thank you for sharing her with us!

  4. JohnnyP
    JohnnyP says:

    So great to hear you story we are the same age- still on my journey doing ok still learning and still here – thanks – and as always thank you Chef AJ

  5. NiCole Hale
    NiCole Hale says:

    This is the most helpful interview I've seen lately, and you do a lot of helpful videos AJ! Thank you to you and Rebecca, both! I'll be watching this again.
    PS @Rebecca — enchiladas is a family favorite, and I still haven't found a good SOS free recipe. I'd love a cookbook, and hope you'll include your principles of converting traditional recipes!

  6. TrumpWon
    TrumpWon says:

    I’m on vacation in Las Vegas and had vegan Chinese food at a restaurant. I remember what a treat it was to eat out like this. After eating at the restaurant I was grossed out by all the oil in my pad Thai.
    Eating plant oil free makes me feel light and energetic.
    I’m grateful for plant based oil free gurus like AJ! I’ve learned a lot!

  7. Lulu & Meow
    Lulu & Meow says:

    May you keep progressing Rebecca and going from strength to strength. You look happy and confident, thank you for sharing your story. Your good food habits will get more and more established until it will become second nature to deal with emotional problems without resorting to food. Thanks to Chef AJ and Dr Lisle and others in the WFPB community, I learnt not to feel shame about food addiction and that I am not alone or to blame. I have been WFPB oil-free for 2 years +, only fell off the wagon once 18 months ago and never since. I don't even see junk food as food anymore and never buy it or keep it in the house. Being an ethical vegan helps me to stay on track. Whenever I go through a bad patch I make a donation to an animal rescue and I always feel better afterwards. I am 56 and love my body for the first time in my life, even with the loose skin, etc. It's sad that I did not find out about the WFPB lifestyle before but it's never too late and I am grateful and content with what I've achieved while most other people in the UK get fatter and fatter, even those previously slim. Well done Rebecca and thank you Chef AJ for all you do, you work tirelessly! Sending you all love and best wishes.

  8. Rita Baglin
    Rita Baglin says:

    Rebecca you don't look your age at all. You look great! I'm a vegetarian x 25 years. a Dietitian by profession. Struggled with over eating as a teenager. Lost 33 lb over several years and have kept it off!

  9. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    I am not even sure what to say about Rebecca Martinez at this point but you know, I will. Chef AJ, through you I have been following her journey for at least 5 years. This time is different. She looks really healthy, but on another level. There is peace within her and this is beyond lovely to see unfolding. She looks like the personification of a calm, stable brain. I can relate to some of her story…the ex husband, the food connection, but until now, I hadn't seen what I see today…calm and stable. This doesn't imply that she doesn't go off the rails, as we all do in one way or another, but she is claiming her space and her power. You go, Rebecca. You go, girl! We think you're spectacular! Check out the comments in the Zoomunity chat and you'll see I'm right. Blessings. Awesome of you, Chef AJ, for continually being there for Rebecca. You're a walking example of the generosity of our Tribe. Blessings to you, as well.🙏🙏


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