Following instructions from Joshua Weissman

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23 replies
  1. Peter Nguyen
    Peter Nguyen says:

    This is hands down the best food channel and always cracks me up laughing. Your videos resonate with viewers because following a recipe rarely yields what's shown but the end product is still rewarding. Not a doubt in my mind your channel will blow up soon. Keep it up man!

  2. NullPoEx
    NullPoEx says:

    >American Cheese
    There's American Cheese (an actual REAL blended cheese made from scraps of 4 different cheeses that is mixed together with some milk, melted, and put through the cheesemaking process a second time). This is an actual cheese, you can buy it in blocks from most deli places, and it's usually white. It melts just like the fake stuff (because the fake stuff was made to mimic it as a cheaper alternative), but it tastes MUCH better and should be used any time someone says to use "American Cheese".
    Then there's "processed cheese food", which is NOT real cheese, like Kraft singles or Velveeta.


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