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Today I’m going to dive into five things I wish I knew before starting a ketogenic diet. There is so much conflicting information out there. Take the good and leave …

38 replies
  1. Texas Outlook
    Texas Outlook says:

    Informative and uplifting video, thanks! It's been almost 2 yrs keto and I wish I'd had known these things too! Prayers for the boy's adjustment to the changes (for you too momma). Blessings ~Sidney

  2. Karlies Mama
    Karlies Mama says:

    Preach It Sister!!! Another amazing supportive video. Sadly, there have been some KETO "snacks" that I have just had to finally toss… move pass the expense keeping it in my pantry and choking it down. I have now learned to budget a splurge here and there to try something that my KETO champs I follow on youtube try out and recommended. Huge thumbs up to the don't compare ourselves to others. Sadly, we all need to figure out how OUR bodies work, we are all unique. You are such a blessing, KETO-ON!! Bulletproof coffee is my daily treat, love it! Just found nutpods @ Target as creamer alternative to heavy cream and half & half, pretty amazing.

  3. Judy Bell
    Judy Bell says:

    I wish I had your channel before I started keto. You're the best! I purchased your Fat Kid recipe book. Tonight I am making your Bacon Ranch Cauliflower Bake😀. My goal is to make every recipe in your cookbook this year!

  4. Cindy Newberry
    Cindy Newberry says:

    What a great video! I totally agree with everything you said. I've been maintaining my 40 lb loss for around 6 months now and have never bought 1 lb. of grass fed meat and no longer track my macros and I'm doing fine.

  5. Val Add
    Val Add says:

    Thank you for being real, and making keto attainable for us simple folks! It takes the stress and shame off I sometimes feel when I walk past the fancy shmancy party meat. Love you and this awesome community! ♥️

  6. Mary'd To Keto
    Mary'd To Keto says:

    Oh my gosh Amanda, so much of what u said was so incredible. I have been doing keto for over a year and I needed to hear this stuff. Thank u for encouraging ppl to listen to their body! Doctors only know so much and we each know our bodies better than any doctor.

  7. Vanessa Ellis
    Vanessa Ellis says:

    My comment comeback when someone says KETO IS EXPENSIVE…I say no not really. Look at it as I dont buy the Potato Chips and junk food anymore so that saves me money… Less is more.

  8. Vanessa Ellis
    Vanessa Ellis says:

    I bought your Fat kid Keto cookbook. I wanted to print it out. My printer isn't working so I thought I would splurge and go to Staples print it out and spiral bind it. The lady said, I need to show you give your permission for me to print it out…please if ot is possible and aloud to print it out. Please put a paragraph in the book that you give your permission…thank you girl you ROCK…

  9. Debbie
    Debbie says:

    I love your #5. I have been keto for over 3 yrs and did 2 months of research before I started my journey and I am still learning. There are so many good Dr's on YouTube and so many people who have been eating this way for a long time. Some people I really connect with and some I don't. I wish you had been around when I first started. Thank you for being so real!

  10. Jeanne Warrick
    Jeanne Warrick says:

    Thank you Amanda you make total sense I do have a question have you been watching your portion sizes? I'm very sorry for the lost of your sons teachers God will help you with new teachers that your family will love too

  11. Tracy Andrirs
    Tracy Andrirs says:

    Pretty much the only thing I track is how much meat I have and nut butters. I can overdo it and it's just easier for me. I don't track macros other than that. It would drive me nuts.

  12. Barbar B
    Barbar B says:

    Just gotta say. I Spatulated warm eggs into egg salad. Genius. And I made the Yum Yum sauce egg salad and omg. SO good! Thanks for being the best ginga evah!! 🤩

  13. alajnabiya
    alajnabiya says:

    I try to eat as "clean keto" as I can manage, but I just say I do "low carb" because I don't track my macros. And I can't afford one of those ketone meters, tho I'd dearly love one. That said, I've been eating this way for a bit over 8 months and I'm down 89 lbs. Thanks for saying you don't necessarily have to track. Sometimes I feel left out of the keto club. 😂

  14. Candie Woodcock
    Candie Woodcock says:

    Absolutely love your content and outlook. Keto is a blessing to me and I'm glad to have found your channel along my journey. I'm 8.5 months in and down 92lbs. Your outlook has definitely helped me not to be so hard on myself when I don't have a "perfect keto" day. And here I am 92lbs down even when I've goofed here and there. So thank you for helping me even if you had no idea 🖤

  15. donaldcarr 26
    donaldcarr 26 says:

    I don't track anything, don't check if i am in ketosis, never eat diamond crusted meat. And never weigh myself. Just eat low carb and use my close falling off as my weight loss guide. So far down 10 paints sizes from it.

  16. Lauretta Graham
    Lauretta Graham says:

    W O W !! I'm in tears. I woke up this morning saying I'm done with Keto. Not losing in significant weight and others are dropping pounds like crazy. I love you bcuz Now I will continue on and Not give up ! Ketogina young lady you rock. 💓💓💓

  17. Lisa Habedank
    Lisa Habedank says:

    On point!! the only thing I would add is that for number 2…You are 100% correct, if you don't like something don't eat it or drink it, however, maybe go back from time to time and try things you didn't like at first. I didn't like bulletproof coffee at all at first, blah!! However, after eating keto for a while my tastes changed, and now I do like bullet proof coffee, lol. same with cheese, never cared for it before and now I'm liking all kinds of cheeses.

  18. TheAutumnHeather
    TheAutumnHeather says:

    #preach Sis you got it.. the phrase "your mileage may vary" works SO well for this way of eating.. you learn what works for you! I had heard people complain so much about bullet proof coffee when I started I was literally scared and waited for the pewps when I drank my first one.. and Shocker that didn't happen! haha.. and yes we are all about that #budgetketo #frugalketo #survivalketo life …. and in regards to tracking YES THAT's IT! we went back for a few days after a few months on the struggle bus to get us back into "oh yes.. this much of this.. this much of that" and BAM.. like 2-3 days of reminding ourselves was all it took..

  19. Ellie L
    Ellie L says:

    I listened to what I now call the “food snobs” before starting Keto. Big mistake! I almost quit because I could not afford to do Keto and feed my family! Someone obviously had to starve if I were to continue!
    You know who I mean, the doctors and others who make a ton of money and/or those who have no children or have young ones who are still on mother’s milk! These people preach about eating only the grass fed meat, organic fruits and veggies and only the cleanest of foods. They make it sound as though we are killing ourselves if we eat anything else. In a perfect world I agree that it would be best to eat like that but since this country’s food supply is still under the control of “big foodie” or huge multinational food corporations we have to do the best that we can!
    For some strange reason the foods that have been stripped of nutrition, had chemicals added along with synthetic “vitamins” and all the rest of the food tyranny, cost less than foods that are just grown without taking away or adding anything! It makes me furious that these “food snobs” sing the praises of places like Whole Foods that mark up the prices of organic and other “healthy” foods about 90% over what they should be! The farmers who are actually producing the organic and healthier meats are not getting hardly any of the profit! The markup comes along when the produce and other foods reach those “healthy food” retailers! The prices are OUTRAGEOUS and these are the foods that have been simply grown/produced!
    Thanks to our politicians who, of course, do whatever the big corporations demand organic farmers are over regulated and have to meet all kinds of standards while the big food corporations are filling “foods” full of sugar, chemicals, and other fillers! Aughhhh!
    People who are aware of the criminal dealings within the food industry need to unite and start lobbying against what has happened to our food supply and how the livestock of this country is filled with steroids, hormones, antibiotics, GMO grains and other crap instead of simply allowed to feed on their natural food sources. The organic fruits and veggie growers need to be given a break and the food poisoning corporations need to be put in jail!
    Ok, there is another one of my food industry rants! All that said , I did go back to Keto and lost the weight that I wanted to lose without starving myself or the rest of my family to death. We do try to eat as healthy as possible. Sometimes I kind of gag when swallowing non organic fruit or veggies but I’m feeding a family. We buy the best foods we can. I get the best sugar substitutes that I can and buy the almond flower, nut mills, etc but we just cannot shop at Whole Foods and pay 100 times as much for their over priced stock. If I hear another one of these doctors or other food snobs say that the extra expense is going to save us in doctor bills that is the end of their YouTube subscription! As a matter of fact I have unsubscribed from most of them although their faces somehow always end up on my recommenced feed.
    Those guys can go have a few more kids that actually have teeth and donate 2/3 of their yearly income to some charity for the homeless and then tell me about “dirty Keto!”

  20. Kandace Moore
    Kandace Moore says:

    Amanda thanks so much for your videos. I give alot of the same advice. I also say find someone on YouTube that you can follow that you relate to. I found several before coming across your channel but each of them were single or didn't have kids and while it was still inspiring to see their journey and while their meal preps or recipes were good I just felt that they didn't understand the struggle that keto is when you have children to also feed.


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