Finishing Murder She Texted draft 1! + Ivies final copies reaction & Instant Pot Cooking

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Time for a new vlog! And I’m finishing my new YA thriller, Murder, She Texted. Featuring me finally using my Instant Pot after six months so this is an Instant Pot …

45 replies
  1. Malaika Virk
    Malaika Virk says:

    First of all CONGRATS!!!! So I have a few general questions?
    What is there is something super boring in my draft and I don’t want to finish the scene, but it is really needed, what should I do? Also should I do the scenes I want to do before even if it’s out of order?


    i've had an instant pot for almost 5 years now, and i didn't know you could put the lid inside the handle like that! game changer! and YES to the instant pot videos!!! congrats on your book, I read it and loved it! can't wait to read murder, she texted when it comes out!

  3. Darrell Roy
    Darrell Roy says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this video. It was fun seeing you in real life situations. I live by my instant pot. When you were discussing chapters I remembered a ? I wanted to ask. What way do you determine rather you have a chapter break or a scene break. I am worried I might be confusing the two. Also I bought kindle version of The Ivies. Lol I definitely put your voice and inflections on the main character. I welcome anyone’s input on chapter question. Thanks!

  4. Hanna Norstedt
    Hanna Norstedt says:

    So happy for you. I got actual tears when you read the dedication.
    CONGRATS! (Finally got it at my B&N, and might’ve moved the second copy to a YA thriller table after watching one of your YouTube tour videos…) 😂

  5. TheWordN3rd
    TheWordN3rd says:

    You know, if I imagine I'd be easily pleased too if I was holding physical copies of my book in my hand. Congrats! I picked up a copy and I can't wait to start it!

  6. iangela313
    iangela313 says:

    Totally curious now. Your copies have Dana Mele on the cover. The Amazon pic has a blurb from Emily Arsepault instead. Are there different versions? Or did they change it at some point? Either way, it's a lovely lovely cover. Can't wait to read it. Congratulations, Alexa!

  7. LemmieBee
    LemmieBee says:

    I bought an instant pot last year and it has been a life saver. Same as you, I can cook but I just never do and it low-key felt bad. Having this has made me realize I can cook delicious food for myself quite easily and it's super comforting.

  8. Ainslee McNamara
    Ainslee McNamara says:

    This comment may feel a bit random, but I have a wine recommendation for you! At 23:40 you pass a red wine from 19 Crimes and that's my all-time favourite brand! I haven't had that particular red blend, so I can't vouch for it specifically, but they have one called The Banished and it is a PHENOMENAL dark red, if that's your thing!

  9. Yet Another Madeline
    Yet Another Madeline says:

    Miss Alexa, I'm really loving these intimate day-in-the-life vibed vlogs. I'm inspired watching you do all the things. Something about your fits and starts really resonates with me in a way the videos where you tell how you've become so successful never have, useful as they are. Anyhow, congrats on all the little victories. (The Target is a good thing!) Here's to your continued momentum! And to the random opening-of-the door!!! And yaaasss, girl, you got all the things because you are the published author we all aspire to be. Cheers!!!

  10. ulvenNixie
    ulvenNixie says:

    Look at you being awesome! I've been loving the book talks, reading The Ivies, and I am so jazzed about your murder turducken.
    You really have been on a roll!

  11. Jodie Cooper
    Jodie Cooper says:

    I can't wait to get paid this month so that I can maybe check out some of your books! I've been meaning to for awhile, but now I'm starting to get back in a reading mood I think they're a perfect next stop for me! I'm especially interested in The Ivies, I think I'll be checking that out first

  12. brieri1
    brieri1 says:

    I am the worst kind of discovery writer. I never know what's going to happen until I write it. I finished my first book almost 2 weeks ago and I thought I knew the ending, but wrote a completely different ending. So that was surprising. I love watching other discovery writers. We're such a mess. It's so much fun, though.

  13. XannasBooks
    XannasBooks says:

    Congrats on finishing the draft! I just started working on my novels again after completing my short collection. It's really weird going from writing short stories to thinking through scenes and chapters. Looking forward to the next vlog. Vlogs are nice to watch while writing haha. Feels like writing with a pal.

  14. KevinTheWriter
    KevinTheWriter says:

    I'm super excited about all the future InstantPot stuff!!! haha And ugh you getting emotional made ME emotional D: But I'm so happy for you for The Ivies and Murder She Texted!!!! 😀

  15. HolziWolziWooo
    HolziWolziWooo says:

    haha, I have the same alarm anxiety! Even hearing my neighbours' smoke alarms going off triggers me :') the same with doorbells and when my phone rings :') also I just finished The Ivies, it was sooooo good! Character voice on point

  16. Baked Motato
    Baked Motato says:

    I love your vlog content so much. Your vlogs are part of why I want to start Authortube too!

    Also, was that Seth Rogen?! This vlog had Seth Rogen AND 4/20 in it… a hilarious coincidence since you don't seem to partake in the usual associated stuff (from what you present online anyhow!)

    Just an awesome co-inky-dink in my opinion muahaha. Please never stop doing vlogs! I love being able to see more about you and get to know you. I felt something so much on the cooking front… Super excited you pushed yourself to try the pressure cooker, it looked fabulous.

  17. delfi sueldo
    delfi sueldo says:

    congratulations!!!! omg, you are such an inspiration. really. you helped me finish my first book w your videos, and now I'm halfway through my second one. thank you and congratulations again! you're amazing


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