Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.15 Chat and Cooking Stream ft. ARecipeReborn | Live Stream

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Watch our celebration live stream of Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.15! We chatted and cooked with ARecipeReborn. For future …

9 replies
  1. Michael Baker
    Michael Baker says:

    The selling of Crystal Dynamics and other studios caused by massive losses can be directly traced to Enix constantly making their games Sony exclusives. They are losing big, but still stay with Sony. They better hope Sony buys them or GOOD BYE Suare Enix. A late release on other platforms never produces any consequential sales as the game is old and no longer a new release!

  2. independentoriio
    independentoriio says:

    I got the Final Fantasy XIV cookbook for my birthday in March and have been doing a few recipes every week, and I would highly recommend it. I'm about 90% of the way through making all of the recipes, and I've enjoyed a majority of the recipes. I hope they come out with a sequel.


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