Fight Inflation At The Grocery Store! Rising Prices 2022

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Inflation and rising food prices are likely to be with us for a while, but there are things you can do to fight rising prices and lessen …

23 replies
  1. Vicki Howell
    Vicki Howell says:

    Tawra, Jill, and Mike, I’m loving both cookbooks! I love ALL of your videos no matter what they’re about! By the way Jill, I watched the whole series of Penny Pinching Mama and I cried. You ladies are amazing! ( you too Mike)

  2. Jacqueline Veach
    Jacqueline Veach says:

    I commented earlier when I stopped the video. Here’s another….. for any kind of meat I cook in the oven—I add an inch of water in a large pan, and cover with foil w/o touching the meat. The time it takes to cook is an hour tops—often less depending on what it is.

    I cut the meat with a knife and/or fork to check if it’s fully cooked. The meat is very tender and flavorful. I use the fatty meat juices for gravy, soup stock, etc.

  3. Joyce Nagy
    Joyce Nagy says:

    Appreciate your thought on how many hours did you have to work to buy that? That's how I taught my kids in Jr. High and High school. New Jean's? How many hours will you need to work to get them? Amazing how often things just weren't that effort. As for the food waste, it's always a work in progress. Constantly finding new ways to process and preserve our foods and left overs.

  4. Jacqueline Veach
    Jacqueline Veach says:

    Excellent information and encouragement, Jill and Tawra! Thank you.

    I live alone, so for dishes I’d normally have 1 of everything. But, I have dishes for 6 when I have family or friends over for dinner.

    (I got rid of 6 dinner plates, extra bowls, etc. One, they took up too much room. Two, the smaller sized salad plates meant smaller portions.)

    Folks could go for seconds, if desired. It didn’t occur that often. So, that made for more leftovers for other meals. Salad plates are only used for the most part, or bowls alone, as my meals are often simple.

  5. Alexa
    Alexa says:

    Thank you for your video and all the great tips. I did not realize you had another channel. It looks great. I just subscribed to your other channel as well

  6. Rebecca Luke
    Rebecca Luke says:

    I purchased an eye of round, and sirloin knuckle for 4.49 and 4.99 per pound and broke down the meat into roasts, stew meat and ground the rest. These prices were in Florida at BJS

  7. Drowned Rat
    Drowned Rat says:

    I have to laugh because this is how I was raised in the 60's. My Mom did the Dave Ramsay thing with the envelopes before he was a twinkle in his daddy's eye. Dad cashed his paycheck, they paid the bills and divvied up the cash into envelopes for groceries and whatever else was needed for the next two weeks. I was one of 4 kids and our portion sizes were what Jill explained. Tiny! We didn't do leftovers because there WERE no leftovers. Mom had those meals planned down to the last green bean. We didn't have to clean plates, but we did have to try one bite of everything on the plate. My oldest brother always ate anything the rest of us left on our plates anyway. LOL! We didn't have cokes in the house until my Mom started a part time job, and even then it was generic brands and each of us got ONE for the week. It was up to us if we downed it all at once or saved some for later. Junk food was rarely even in the house, and once dessert was over, there was no snacking later. We played outside until it got dark and then it was bath and bed. One bathroom for 6 people, and no shower! We went on one vacation when I was a child. It was a few days at a lake. Other than that, it was car trips to visit relatives, and those happened rarely. My parents were both great gardeners so fresh vegetables in the warm months were always there. I thank God I followed them around and became a gardener myself. I have no problem living frugally since I was raised that way, but my husband really doesn't get it. No, you can't always get what you want. If you don't like what I made for dinner, tough. You're not getting something else. I get so tired of making dinner only to hear, "I'm not hungry yet. I don't want that tonight." Well, I'm sick of making dinner every night, so how about YOU do it?! Not happening.

  8. mary byers
    mary byers says:

    I know this isn’t the subject of this show, but I wanted to say I also have Fibromyalgia. I’m 90% better just by wearing ion infused clothing and ion bedsheets. I’m off of all medications too. We’d like you to try using it free of charge. If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll ship you some.

  9. Rebecca Coleman
    Rebecca Coleman says:

    In one video you said for people who are whitening about their soda going up, you need to stop and think that it is an addiction. You once said to someone who was scared about ho to eat being diabetic, you said loose weight . It is not always about weight, I had a rail thin client who needed insulin three times a day and another client who weighed 400 pounds and wasn't diabetic.
    You mean well and do help. Yes,, our serving sizes are too big.

  10. Lisa Grimes
    Lisa Grimes says:

    Single mom of 7. I make platters for breakfast and lunch most days. 6-8 cut strawberries, 1 or 2 cut carrots, 1/4 block of cheese cubes, some slices of lunch meat cut up and some pretzels or gold fish. Way less food than serving each child a sandwich and servings of sides. They still get filled up, and there’s no waste. I’ve saved so much money. Kids don’t need huge portions!

  11. Marion Brown
    Marion Brown says:

    In Australia they are not 100 dollars …. our food has gone up from 80 cents a can to 1.40 most of it is made in china…. We are wholesalers so only eat organic foods

  12. Jacqui P
    Jacqui P says:

    I already know our electric bill will go up because they use natural gas in the production. Ercot that runs the Texas grid has already posed a possibility of rolling blackouts this summer.
    Food isn't as bad here as some areas. Yes, the prices have increased. I'm old enough that I remember when the coffee shortage years ago made the price soar, and the cans were smaller.
    Personally, I think this has been in the works for quite a few years (maybe even a decade or so). It's almost a game plan that shows up to some degree periodically.
    We had a gas shortage in the late 70's. The prices went up to almost $5 / gallon during the Bush administration. It's almost cyclical.
    I'm glad you are teaching people to be prepared for any reason. Being frugal, learning new skills and having a stockpile are just common sense to me. Y'all are a great inspiration.

  13. C Y
    C Y says:

    Jill your top is very pretty. For shampoo I use 1 Tablespoon shampoo, 1 Tablespoon baking soda and 1 cup of water. I put it in a squeeze bottle. A bottle of shampoo has lasted me 18 months. I really enjoyed the $100 WalMart grocery video.

  14. Eamon Bec
    Eamon Bec says:

    Does anyone really give their kids a full family size bag of chips to eat? I've watched you guys for years and you continue to exaggerate what people do and then criticize the action. What about just being helpful without all the criticism. Most people who watch your channel are not taking summer travel vacations. What about helpful tips and recipes for people that already don't eat fast food or take vacations or buy sodas

  15. Lori
    Lori says:

    Yes, I am now thinking of how much I waste. I try not to, but I am gonna make some big changes. I am gonna start making smaller meals, even though we eat leftovers I find we still have some left- or we get into those moods where we don't want that again….well the way the food is, we need to eat all of what we have and be thankful.

  16. Emma Plate
    Emma Plate says:

    My mother never bought soft drinks. She bought Kool-Aid I'm in my sixties now my family is a big Kool-Aid drinker during the shutdown I was at Walmart purchase about 40 packs of Kool-Aid. Now the price is gone Sky High. You talk about meat I've had trouble finding a nice-looking ground beef and roast beef I found some at Walmart they were just putting them out. And I'm back and seeing when I'm putting them in my freezer

  17. Keri Drowatzky
    Keri Drowatzky says:

    Leftovers are good for the nights when you don't want to cook and when you have to work outside the home and take lunches. Don't look badly at the idea of leftovers- serve a purpose.

  18. Keri Drowatzky
    Keri Drowatzky says:

    Telling my husband to cut back on serving sizes is impossible. He eats enough for 2 people. He's a pop drinker, milk drinker and a smoker. I try to not eat. I had weight loss surgery. Can't eat much.

  19. Falcon Britt
    Falcon Britt says:

    If you really want steak, I've also learned hangar steak can be delicious when cooked right. Hyperinflation is definitely coming, we need all the tips we can get, so thank you! We need to keep monitoring prices in other countries to see where we are headed. In Mexico, restaurant owners are saying cooking oil is up 300%, proteins are up 20%, potatoes are up 30%. Countries are starting to save their own food (grown there) for their own people rather than selling it overseas. My average food costs went up 25% here in Taos, NM, in just the last three months of 2021 – my mom in NC is reporting the same. Many things are up 30% now here. Rents are also up $400-$500 dollars per month over those of six months ago, so that's hitting the budget hard.


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