FERMENTED BEANS & LENTILS – delicious probiotic beans!

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How to make probiotic fermented beans and fermented lentils! Fermented black beans, fermented red beans, fermented white …

22 replies
  1. G
    G says:

    This is great, just in time for some beans I was about to cook. I have this bottle in the fridge with all the leftover liquids from finished fermented vegetables mixed together. I can use it as a starter, right? Is there any probiotic left in this particular liquid?

  2. Laineyslife
    Laineyslife says:

    How long can I leave fermented foods on my counter or store in my pantry. I have a small refrigerator shared with other family members. Canned I store in the pantry but fermented or pickled what do I do?

  3. Open Hand Farm
    Open Hand Farm says:

    Thank you so much for this video. I have never heard of probiotic beans. I just started eating raw this week, and I am so excited to make some of these. You are such a blessing!

  4. Ciro
    Ciro says:

    Lentil tip. If you add acid (ie, vinegar, i like balsamic) to lentils as they cook they will stay al dente and not get tender or overcooked. This tendency should be taken advantage of if you're going to try to ferment the lentils.

  5. Mel Lio
    Mel Lio says:

    This looks so darn delicious and I really want to try it! My problem is for some reason when I cook dried beans, sometimes they come out great and sometimes they never cook completely through. I can’t figure out why that happens. Any tips would be much appreciated. And thank you so much for yet another absolutely wonderful recipe. ❤️😋

  6. George Alexa
    George Alexa says:

    I must try the beans but will need to get kombucha. I’m new at this as I only did green and red cabbages for two mason jars. I love the fennel and the ginger in the other one. Of course both had the carrots, garlic. And I did cucumbers from your video. I was having stomach problems but not anymore. I owe you big time.

  7. Dr T Masdon
    Dr T Masdon says:

    Hello! I am a doctor in private practice and thoroughly enjoy your videos on fermentation. I'm curious: is it possible to ferment beans without cooking? Also are you familiar with nattokinase, which is the enzyme resulting from fermented soybeans? Two recent robust studies have shown that a 28 day consumption of a total of 4000 F/U of nattokinase, completely eradicates any/all spike protein (from COVID) out of the body. Would you be familiar with how to ferment soybeans? Thank you!

  8. Audrey
    Audrey says:

    I love your creativity! I’m so excited to see these 2 worlds collide – fermentation and beans! I sprout black lentils each week. Can these be fermented?


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