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LEARN HOW TO COOK A FAST VEGGIE STIR FRY THAT’S BETTER THAN TAKEOUT LAY HO MA!! Stir fry’s can literally be put together in minutes and they are …

35 replies
  1. Yeung Man Cooking
    Yeung Man Cooking says:

    LAY HO LAY HO!! I hope you’re keeping well and I hope this helps when you have random veggie odds and ends hanging around. Welcome to the channel if you’re new here! Be sure to check out that free ebook I put together just for you plus you can get your signed copy of the Vegan Ramen Cookbook here happy cooking 🥳

  2. cbzombiequeen58
    cbzombiequeen58 says:

    I want to eat more stirfry vegetables but have a problem making different sauces. This is great video. Busy people can eat healthy with a variety of stirfry vegetables. Thank you.
    I try and stay away from anything that has gluten, dairy, GMO, meat.

  3. evelyn baron
    evelyn baron says:

    This is a stir fry from left overs still ok in the fridge so no rules …. ok I have frozen corn and diced almonds …. the rest of the ingredients were pretty much the same; bok chok instead of broccollii ,,,, sauce is where everyone gets nervous; it's a pantry thing but I use a bit of cornstarch and teriyaki and tamari, just gluten free soy, also grated ginger if you like that taste … it's Tom Petty Free Fall!!!! I recommend a bit of hot sauce to taste and there is a lot of garlic in my version; I am happy to serve to my family on rice traditionally or farro or quinoa ….. this is definitely 15 minutes this is going to be great. Stir fries have a long history; perhaps all us western persons need to know is high heat all prepped nothing fancy and dinner, Another winner!! I do put a handful of cashews on top memories of childhood meals that were actually real …….memories.

  4. joseph dunn
    joseph dunn says:

    Wil: This dish reminds me of this stir fry from Nordstroms department store restaurant. They did pretty much the same thing but, they would top the dish with chow mein hard noodles. It was so good that there were times I'd order a second.

  5. D K
    D K says:

    TFS… I am down with everything except the baby corn…😬🤷‍♀️just why? I am who made this and why?!…gonna make this with confidence 👍🏼🍽


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