Family of 9 Minimal Home Tour

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35 replies
  1. DMando
    DMando says:

    After watching her video her house is really not functional at all. She has stuff all over the place. The lamp in the girls room should be on a table between the beds and I did not see any curtains. Kids should not have to wake up at dawn everyday. Every time she opens a draw it’s a mess. I hope her kids get to be kids and not have to take care of the of the little ones. If so reminds me of the Duggars.

  2. F H
    F H says:

    I keep seeing HUGE homes from people in amerika.
    This is not a luxury most people have in The Netherlands.

    We are a family of 6, in a LOT smaller home. Even though we only keep at hand what we actually use. It’s still very hard to find a space to store it. And the home will get messy so soon.

    I can never really relate to these video’s…
    I’m happy to fit the beds all together in a room and also find a space for closets 😅

  3. Erika Butterfly
    Erika Butterfly says:

    I like that your home is practical and pretty! Many minimalists go to the extreme of not wanting any decor at all. While I do want to be mindful of how much I have, so I don't become overwhelmed, I'm very much a fan of having a doily or cloth for every surface, and little meaningful knick-knacks to discover in every corner. You've shown that it's possible to have a decorated home without having overwhelmingly full storage. Some things can just as well be decoratively stored in plain sight 🙂

  4. Syl Wil
    Syl Wil says:

    Thank you for sharing your lovely home and how you organize it. Having a large family is great! It brings back memories of my children's laughter and their silly antics, which was such a joy.
    God bless you and your family!

  5. Ivory keys
    Ivory keys says:

    I've been wanting to do a serious downsize from our 1300 sqft home, and this adds fire to that for sure now… Love your tour & how involved your family is…. & that your children are not sitting with their nose in a cell phone all day long 🙈 SMH.😢

  6. bethany meade
    bethany meade says:

    Do you have issues getting spiders in your open baskets? I live south of you in northwest Arkansas and love this idea but am leery of brown recluses….well, reclusing in them!

  7. Ewelina
    Ewelina says:

    Thanks a lot! I like how organized and clean is your house. You gave me some decorating ideas. I'm currently working on uncluttering my house and your video helped me not feeling gilty getting rid of stuff.

  8. Julia Brown
    Julia Brown says:

    Lisa, love seeing your house. A
    I love all your armoires and dressers. Do you have any great stores or sources for your antiques? I have a hard time finding affordable large wood pieces where i live and would love any tips you may have

  9. Debra Bemis
    Debra Bemis says:

    I love your home! Thank you for sharing it with us. It can be so difficult with trolls and their nasty comments! You have given me some inspiration to start letting go of a lot of stuff that I do not use. Your family is beautiful and I look forward to your videos! I wish you a safe home birth and can't wait for you to introduce him/her to us!!

  10. Wendy Cash
    Wendy Cash says:

    The issue I have with minimalism (for me) is that I love knowing that I have resources to pull from for any given situation. I'm a crafter and I love to be able to make something from nothing (or parts) in many aspects. I do this with cooking, preserving, gardening and crafting. I quilt and sew, cross stitch, paper craft and also own a small backyard nursery where I propagate all my own plants from other plants. So, what seems like random "stuff" equates to supplies for any given project. We also keep wood remnants from projects, or other people's projects as well as other tools and supplies that we or our family members can come and see if there are any parts they are needing for their projects. So, my situation is completely different from yours. Whereas some people will feel that "stuff" they have to manage is a draw on their energy, my stuff gives me energy. I should also note that I"m retired, and my children are all grown with kids and grandkids. I'm well past the child rearing stage where my time would have been totally taken up with kids.

  11. Jessica Myrose
    Jessica Myrose says:

    I love the vibe of your house your video was recommended and I love the idea of minimalist but it is a constant work and goal to go towards minimalisms I love the way you shared it girl ❤❤❤ so nice to to see the areas and idea of organization of your home nice to learn about birch looks like a wonderful product ❤

  12. Erika Stanger
    Erika Stanger says:

    I think this was great! It makes me want to get rid of more stuff that we don't need. And I love how you incorporate beautiful baskets and antiques into the functionality of your home.


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