Fall SHORTAGES Are About To Cause Problems…

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Are you prepared for what’s coming this fall? 2023 has already brought numerous challenges, from extreme weather events …

17 replies
  1. Holly Fischer
    Holly Fischer says:

    The Surviiving people in MAUI saying that rich ELITES CAME Around want the people to sell their land back ago but they didn't want to sell thir land to the Elites so the surviving people claming the FIRE WAS STARED ON PURPOSE It didn't burn the Rich ELITES HOMES DOWN like OPRAH Now you have Oparah buying their land . I believe the People that made it .

  2. alberta farmer
    alberta farmer says:

    Creepy but we are living in the End Times, the rapture and the 7year Tribulation with the world leader (Antichrist, 666) are right around the corner. Please get rapture ready: accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior today!!! Read biblical end times prophecy, listen to Dr. David Reagan and pastor Jimmy Evans on end times chronology.

  3. Vicki Bevington
    Vicki Bevington says:

    Requiring gluten-free foods has opened my eyes. Walmart was cheapest at $1.38/pound bag. Now it is $4 a bag. I get a monthly order that they place into vehicle. In most cases the gluten-free oats not available. I now order organic gluten-free oats from Azure with no problem. As far as rice I always keep a large bag in reserve. Lentils the same. My grocery budget has more than doubled over the last year. I am trying to learn more new gluten-free recipes.

  4. Roxanne Robertson
    Roxanne Robertson says:

    The giant wheels of cheese made are expensive. They are microchipping them to be able to track them to their destination. They have been stolen before, and it’s expensive to replace an order and since it takes such a long aging process to make…not easy to replace…tracking is the security measure…when cut up, it is easily removed…these are huge wheels people!…don’t panic just because they are tracking their product to protect their shipping product against thieves…🤨

  5. Andrea Viola
    Andrea Viola says:

    My guess is if we started making tree decorations our of the public serpents intentionally causing all this EVERYTHING would suddenly start to reverse. War has been declared silently – act accordingly.

  6. Priscilla bohn
    Priscilla bohn says:

    Pork is cheaper in month of September here in Texas and New Mexico as the farmers butcher them then. I am so glad I bought an inexpensive vacuum sealer in 2020 and started to seal my foods and veggies to freeze and dry foods to put away in food grade buckets. I feel we don't have enough as it is getting harder by the days to prep properly just doing what we can


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