Everything I Eat In A Day & Why (Plant Based + Realistic)

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Today I’m showing you everything I eat in a day as a vegan and why! This what I eat in a day is full of realistic and easy meal ideas for anyone trying to eat more …

6 replies
  1. Kim Porter
    Kim Porter says:

    Would you be willing to do a video on how to season a cast iron pan for the first time when you’re vegan and oil free? My husband bought me several cast iron pans for my birthday and I feel extremely intimidated by them. They’ve been sitting in my cabinet unused for a while now and it’s very sad. ☹️

  2. Manuel Mulero
    Manuel Mulero says:

    What inspired you to go plant based? and what are your current goals? I ask some of the new channels I support but always appreciate the feedback. I've been incorporating some plant based meals but sometimes run out of ideas so it's always intriguing to see new recipes from others. I train as well so always appreciate more insight when possible. New to your channel keep it going strong!


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