Everything I ate at Burger King in Thailand! #foodie #burgerking #thailand #fastfood #shorts #eating

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39 replies
  1. Her Royal Hannah
    Her Royal Hannah says:

    I love watching your content but I'm so curious, do you have a hidden stash of Tums or Pepto? Sometimes I am in awe of the cool stuff you're trying but then worry you must get such an upset stomach.

  2. Maria M
    Maria M says:

    I'm sorry but I have to ask, how do you not gain weight? You eat all you want, and you still don't get even chubby, let us in on the secret!!! We need to know!!!

  3. Nadia
    Nadia says:

    You have no idea how much this help, I miss Thailand greatly and watching you enjoy the food and the beach there make me more determined to go back home this summer, it also make me proud of my culture as well ahhah


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