Everything GREAT About Uncharted 4: A Thief's End!

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46 replies
  1. @SirV3nt
    @SirV3nt says:

    Drive the speed limit, drink some water, and love one another.
    This one is gonna get deep and most likely buried under the plethora of comments on the channel, and that's fine:
    You know, after watching your videos for a while, that line always seems to hit home. But this time around, for THIS game, the message you were able to so beautifully extrapolate from it. It's a beautiful thing the way you are able to lay it out in only a way you can do. You mentioned once how you feel so alone. I don't know you. I don't know your level of healing and growth. But the lengths you are willing to push yourself to make all of it happen shines so bright that you'd have to be blind not to see it (no offense to our friends in the blind community out there). I don't know what partners or how many you've had in the past, or if you've already found one, but if I may offer one piece of unsolicited advice: of course you will need to make compromises for the ones you love, that's all a part of the experience of interpersonal relationships. But never compromise on who you are. Never lose that spark of what makes you…well, you. It'll be hard to see as love has a way of distorting perspectives, and it can be really disheartening to have to end a relationship because as close as it got to being right, in the end it just wasn't. But if you don't look out for yourself, you'll find out down the road that you'd be lonelier with them than you ever were without them. If you've made it this far into the read, thanks. Just one more thing to say: no matter how bad it gets, I promise you that you are not alone. Be the best version of yourself that we all know who you are, and even when you stumble and fall, there will always be a friend to be there for you- if not always the friend you'd expect.
    I'm gonna go drink some water now. Take care.

  2. @TBone4Breakfast
    @TBone4Breakfast says:

    Nadine’s fighting is still unrealistic 8 years later. She’s trained, but Nate (and Sam) have fought hand to hand with hundreds of people and fought them to the death.

    Nadine loses against Nate and she damn sure loses against Nate and Sam. They are professionals via sheer experience. Also Lost Legacy either seriously nerfs Nadine or the insinuation is that Nate REALLY sucks at fight (which is just not true)

  3. @neppets4500
    @neppets4500 says:

    Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End is one of the best games Ive ever played. I didnt fully apprreciate it when if first came out, I was 26. Still in my head wrapped up in my past, which like Nate wasn't the cleaneset. But then I got married, then this game opened my eyes. Elina and Nates relationship… hits me so hard. Mirrors my own with my spouse. Ive messed up a lot in our relationship. NO I never found a lost city and shit… but yeah that same idea of not being honest and lying to protect yourself. Each time I play it to reminds me of how to try and fix things and not give up. To talk and be honest eith the one you love the most.

  4. @theblackphantomthief
    @theblackphantomthief says:

    39:10 my thoughts exactly, I wish more devs made games that pushed the hardware they were making the game for to its limits instead of just waiting for new hardware to come out, more examples of games like U4 are God Of War (2018) and Persona 5 Royal.

  5. @twankamps6455
    @twankamps6455 says:

    A big win for me not all people Will agree. The way that all the voice acting can be changed per language. For me i started watching uncharted 2 & 3 on youtube and the voice acting was in my own language so when i played uncharted 4 myself i played it in dutch because Nate always had that voice for me.

  6. @LP-xw7ix
    @LP-xw7ix says:

    Played this game before the last of us and oh my god did it blow me away still one of the best looking and playing games such a send off for such an iconic series

  7. @matthews1029
    @matthews1029 says:

    Just wanna say I LOVE THE NEW CENSOR SOUND!! It's so inoffensive and funny and cute. Great idea working those in. Anyone else who agrees and thinks the new censor sounds are a W give this comment a thumbs up!

  8. @masterassassinaltairibn-la4698
    @masterassassinaltairibn-la4698 says:

    Naw you evil for the comment of cheating on your wife but with your brother especially since Nathan had already been broken up with by the same woman he is married to in this game like what if she seen the both of them banging and was like ok nate were done you want to be gay and f*ck your brother who only recently came back from the dead go ahead but you can kiss goodbye to our relationship

  9. @TrickyTalon23
    @TrickyTalon23 says:

    18:00 I think the meaning behind Nate unzipping his jacket after Sam zipped it is simply from "little brother rebellious nature" after Sam kind of babied him the same way a mom would annoyingly tell her kid to eat their vegetables because "she knows what's best for them", making the kid want to eat them even less because their mom told them to.

  10. @theinspiredgamer1949
    @theinspiredgamer1949 says:

    I remember playing this for the first time back in 2017. I had just turned thirteen and my parents had finally started letting me get more "mature" video games (they had a thing about killing actual people in video games) and this was one of my first. I knew of the series by reputation, but this was my entry into it and while some of the references went over my head, I still enjoyed it a lot. I remember spending hours replaying the Madagascar chase over and over because it was just so much fun.

    This video was really good, but I'm curious – Do you plan to do a video on Uncharted: The Lost Legacy as well? Again, just out of curiosity since you didn't mention it. It's fine if you don't, I just think that game in general is fairly under-appreciated due to it being a spin-off.


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