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This is a non promotional cooking video of an every plate meal.

12 replies
  1. Lark
    Lark says:

    sorry if you've already explained in a previous video but what happened to your forehead..those red marks in the dead center above where your eyes meet.

  2. Helen Bonanno
    Helen Bonanno says:

    Did Jeri enjoy the meal of onions, ground chicken, ground turkey and broth that you made for her yesterday ??? Did your Mom try it too ??? At work, do you have to wear a white chef coat, mask or hairnet/hat?

  3. Kathie Elia
    Kathie Elia says:

    I'm not ADD and I always talk to myself. Just don't have a two-way conversation with yourself, lol. You did say I think, in previous videos about trying different treatments for the dermatitis on your head. Is it getting better?

  4. Ronda Thiesen
    Ronda Thiesen says:

    Looked delicious Jim! You looked so relaxed! Great job! I love garlic on everything too! JeriAnn is so very lucky to have you in her life! Have a great Sunday! 🙏👍😘

  5. Geraldine Parsons
    Geraldine Parsons says:

    Jim dear love your cooking videos! Also it’s ok to be weird. I’ve also always been weird. We are ADDers. As far as talking to yourself, adders talk out loud, using themselves as a sounding board. It’s ok. It is good to see you are comfortable with yourself. Keep up the good work and home are you are doing. Again, love the videos.

  6. Wendy Davidson
    Wendy Davidson says:

    Good morning Jim. You really seem comfortable and in your element in the kitchen. If ever the opportunity should arise, I think you’d be great as a sous chef, and advance from there. You seem so relaxed which is wonderful for your mind ❤️


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