Emergency? Not My Idea of a Good Time

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This video took a very drastic turn of events, that’s for sure! https://largefamilytable.com/community/ “Jamerrill, when are you …

46 replies
  1. Katherine Kinnaird
    Katherine Kinnaird says:

    For those in question, if a person has had kidney stones then you know. I have has such stones and around having babies. You are doing what you should do. Even both my adult children, males and 1 young granddaughter have had their share of kidney stones and related. If you know you know. God bless and keep you all.💪🙏♥️🐝

  2. Allyson Wonderland
    Allyson Wonderland says:

    Parsley tea is amazing for kidney stones. My in laws swear by it. They say it has a lot of other health benefits but my sister-in-law had a stone they wanted to do surgery on. She drank the tea twinge a day and it was gone in about a week. And when I say gone I mean it was broken up into powder, they couldn’t even collect pieces of it. Idk if there is any science behind it but within my family there is a lot of anecdotal evidence. It can’t hurt to try. Just put some parsley (I like the taste of fresh the best but u can use either) and pour hot water over it. I let it sit untill water gets a tinge of color to it and cools enough to drink it( maybe 5 minutes) and add a squirt of lemon for taste.

  3. Stephanie Chavez
    Stephanie Chavez says:

    i am on low oxalate. and it is measured by grams or milligrams. i was told by my doctor that if your body forms oxalate kidney stones it will continue to do it. i am conscious to eat no or low oxalate. so far…no kidney stones. i hope they can tell you what is causing your stones.

  4. tuttle Tice
    tuttle Tice says:

    My dads were from our well water . Calcium . He moved when he got married hasn't had one at all . (He's on city water ) . I hope you feel better soon . I love seeing your daily life , you are such an inspiration to me as a homeschool mom

  5. it happens
    it happens says:

    Unfortunately stones will continue to be in the future if they were in your past….not caused by food consumed(outdated information)but rather calcium levels in our blood, even had a tumor removed and still have higher levels sometimes….simple blood test finds it, (make an appointment for a bone density scan because that is where the calcium is coming from, makes our bones fragile unfortunately as well)ct scan confirms it…at the first sign of urgency(usually day or two before the nausea)get it checked, I far prefer flushing it on my own, stents suck..living this journey for years..cheers

  6. Debbie Morgan
    Debbie Morgan says:

    Your garden looks wonderful. I didn't do one this year. I have a liver disease that just doesn't do well in the heat. It is already in the 100's here in Texas with heat index up to 110. This woman is not going into that.
    Praying for you. My husband has had kidney stones. He was in a lot of pain. What caused his were pistachios. It was after Christmas and Sam's had pistachios in these pretty cut glass look jars. He bought 10 of them and inside of a month ate them all. Yep he did it and paid for it. No one else in the family likes pistachios. I'm not sure that Stan does anymore although I have seen him with some recently. Hopefully he won't get carried away with it again. Be safe on your trip. I did see you with Sarah on her vlog so I'm praying that 2022 is gone.

  7. Our Smallholding Adventure
    Our Smallholding Adventure says:

    Great video Jamerrill though not great for your hospital visit. Take care of yourselves and the garden is coming along so well! Looking forward to seeing you cooking the produce in your new kitchen 😉 Take care, Tracy

  8. Brittany
    Brittany says:

    I hope you're feeling well!!! Breastfeeding is so amazing….I breastfed my daughter when I was sick with possibly covid (I never got tested) but I was just so grateful that I was still nursing!

  9. Susan Chamblee
    Susan Chamblee says:

    Ouch 🤕 that hurts. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Stones are no joke. You are amazing. Stones, kids, mega cooking, gardening all on a large scale. You deserve a paid vacation in the Caribbean being pampered.

  10. Carrie Robinson
    Carrie Robinson says:

    Had a massive UTI this last Wednesday I ended up in the emergency room and had to spend Wednesday Thursday Friday and part of Saturday in the hospital I’m having a hard time coming back from being sick for over a month and not realizing what was going on so please keep me in your prayers that I can get with smoking that’s my goal

  11. AllinkedUp Always
    AllinkedUp Always says:

    Girl I've had kidney stones and kidney failure I 100% understand what you're feeling and I hope you feel better it is the absolute worst to have kidney pain sending positive vibes and prayers 💓

  12. Thrive with Jesus
    Thrive with Jesus says:

    Check your vitamins and supplements Jamerrill, especially Trim Healthy Mama products. Not that they cause this to everyone, but you are prone to kidney stones, so whatever they add to their product, might be causing this for you specifically. It would be easy for you to test if that's the case. Stop for at least 4 weeks, and see what happens. Sending you much love.

  13. Cat Rice
    Cat Rice says:

    My husband said tell you keep flomax in med cabinet by some beer drink.2or3 times a week and when you get a kidney stone Take stone free supplement every day. He says worked 5 years so far and it.will keep you out of the hospital

  14. Nancy Farkas
    Nancy Farkas says:

    I had kidney stones several years ago. And the thing is that I have spina bifida so I have no feeling from the waist down so I didn’t feel a thing. The only way I knew was they did blood work and saw a problem and had to do an ultrasound. They were going to go in and break it up but when they went to do that they couldn’t find it

  15. Eraina Smith
    Eraina Smith says:

    Hi Momma.. I empathize with you and those horrible stones. I had some in my early thirties and I had no clue what was going on with me. I was getting a prescription at Kaiser hospital and barely made it to my car. It took 3-4 hours before I left the parking lot. I did some research and discovered that what I felt was kidney stones. I drank a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice 1 to 1 ratio mixed in with a gallon of apple juice. No food only water all day before midnight it all came crashing down. The holistic book said that the stools will be dark to light green when they are passed out. No surgery needed. I hope and pray that if you do need surgery that it will be a successful one. May God bless and keep you and your family. Hope u feel better noon.

  16. lori
    lori says:

    Jamerrill….I'm so thankful that you are feeling atleast some better….I'll be praying for you 🙏Just remember your health is SO important….gotta put yourself on top of PRIORITY list… SOMETIMES. 🥰

  17. Martha B
    Martha B says:

    Find out makup of stone. Potatoes are one of the causes of some stones. Other foods too. My friend had his stones analyzed and found medication for his type.


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