Egg White Bread || Adding YOLKS Experiment 🥚

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38 replies
  1. nicole walker
    nicole walker says:

    Does anyone know how to stop the base of the bread from shrinking in? I have an electric oven and it raises beautifully. Then I turn of oven and when I put it out the bottom has shrunk. Any help would be great!

  2. Tami Sherwood
    Tami Sherwood says:

    I made a half recipe and I added 2 egg yolks at the end. It didn't really seem any different. I was going try increasing another took next time. I used my mixer for just a few seconds.

    MIZMAC says:

    I appreciate and learn from the tenacity you have to keep going through this

    . You answer all the curious questions that I have but don’t follow throughContinual testing. You’ve helped me so much and I appreciate it. OMG – the daughter who said the bread stairs has got your same creative ability. Great job mom!

  4. Tami & Tarek Olayan
    Tami & Tarek Olayan says:

    Love your kitchen experiments!! So I learned that If you gradually cool the bread loaf down in addition to resting in oven, it helps prevent the caving in. So I let it rest 20 min with oven off then 10 min with oven door open then 5-10 min with tray pulled out of oven. It seems the shock of the extreme temperature changes cause the caving. I know it’s more time consuming, but it has been a game changer for me. Hope this helps. Thanks for all you do! Tami

  5. Meg Mayo Lucas
    Meg Mayo Lucas says:

    As a baker, I had a couple thoughts. First, I’d beat up those egg yolks before adding them. Maybe even adding in some of the egg white batter to get them to mix in better. Perhaps add the whole egg powder in at that point, before missing the yolks into the egg white batter. And my next trial would be 2 yolks and half the whole egg powder. Reducing the amount of whole egg powder will reduce the cost and the recipe leaves you with so many extra egg yolks, it would be nice to use some of them in the bread. I mean, I love creamer brûlée, but …. If that tastes good, I’d next do some extra beating to see if that helps the sides caving in issue. The final improvement would be using really tall loaf pans, known as Pullman pans to get a more rectangular loaf.

  6. Dawn Cordero
    Dawn Cordero says:

    Great job on this experiment! I personally side with you on the whole egg powder version of this bread. Much moister texture vs the egg white powder one which is too dry on the throat for me. Love your channel, I’m hooked girl!😃🥰👍🏻

  7. Secrets of a GirlDude
    Secrets of a GirlDude says:

    I’m obsessed with making this bread! I tried leaving it in a turned-off oven for only 15 minutes and it seemed less dry. The yolks make it taste like challah bread which I love. I replaced the allulose with honey because allulose just didn’t agree with my tummy and I still get the beautiful brown colour. There’s so little honey per slice to keep me in ketosis.

  8. GIRLINA101
    GIRLINA101 says:

    I don't have a large mixer, so I can only make a 1/2 batch at a time (8.5 oz. egg whites). I experimented yesterday by adding 3 yolks and it made the texture so much better, with only 1.3 grams of fat per serving. I prefer to make "sandwich thins" by using the muffin top pan, and get 10 buns from the 1/2 recipe. I always add baking powder to the batter, and I noticed that the batch with yolks rose higher and did not deflate as much. I ordered the whole egg powder and can't wait to try it.

  9. Gail M.
    Gail M. says:

    You have by far the prettiest PSMF loaves on YouTube!!!! Interesting experiment. Perhaps the whole egg powder is adding more structure, as it's a powder, and not only keeps the loaf sides from falling in, but is able to sustain the extra loft from the yolk contribution? I've also noticed that when i spray my pans (silicone and metal/parchment lined) the sides seem to fall in, but not when I use pans without spray. Thank you for all your wonderful experiments!!!

  10. lisa gentry
    lisa gentry says:

    I use 2 yolks and 8 Oz whites and bake for 45 min then sit for 30. It’s the perfect size and it makes amazing soft breadlike buns also. I can still fit it into my PSMF days with only 2 yolks 💜

  11. Sherri Wolters
    Sherri Wolters says:

    Made my first loaf yesterday, hubby likes it but I felt it was dry, really weird shape but I was worried about it deflating so hurried and forgot to run spatula threw it to get air pockets out of it, will do next loaf in a few days

  12. Happy Bee TV
    Happy Bee TV says:

    The difference appears to be that with the 2nd loaf you mixed in the yolks with the protein powder at the same time, that seems to have sopped up the yolks and made the whip less loose like liquid.

  13. frhabib85
    frhabib85 says:

    I’m interested to know what would happen if you add the same amount of fat in the whole egg powder as butter in the batter. My theory is that you won’t get the extra rise from the yolks and you would get some effect from the fat

  14. Deborah Allen
    Deborah Allen says:

    I don’t know…I’m just not enjoying the bread. The texture of it gets me. It just sort of balls up in my mouth and sort of chokes me. I’m not explaining it well, but it is sort of a almost soggy texture, in a way. It needs something to improve it somehow. I have to use only 2/3 C of the egg white powder or it is super dry and I choke on it.
    Some people make it and just love it, but I haven’t made it in a couple of weeks bk I just do not enjoy it. I make a sandwich with it, but then I pull everything off and eat without the bread bk it sort of gags me—not enjoyable at this point. Very discouraging….

  15. Zal
    Zal says:

    ??? Do you still need to add the alluose? Wouldn't the egg yolks help with the browning process in the same way an egg wash helps with browning in other baking recipes?

  16. Tom Smith
    Tom Smith says:

    Enjoy watching these very much! I have been experimenting with the base recipe somewhat and have had some really good results. For example, substituting onion/garlic salt in the beginning. Much less allulose (table spoon only) and I switched from using Wegman's brand egg whites in a carton to the more expensive "Egg Beaters" and the result was like night and day. The Wegman's brand took much, much longer to stiffen but the Egg Beaters brand worked exactly as well as separating the egg whites myself and was a HUGE time saver! Also added 1/2 teaspoon each of oregano/basil/McCormick's "Italian Seasoning" when folding in the egg white powder. Out of the oven – I brushed olive oil on the top and the taste really worked out great. My only complaint is that the bread (particularly on the outside edges or "crust") is on the dry side. I'm hoping to use "whole egg powder" instead of egg white powder to see if it might be more moist. Suggestions out there? Thanks!

  17. Joanna Parszyk
    Joanna Parszyk says:

    OMG l applaud you! I love keto geeking out ❤️❤️❤️❤️ l appreciate your hard work so much! I’m happy with one of the basic recipes for psmf breads but love a good upgrade from time to time!
    Your positivity, energy and how genuine you are so admirable!


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