Egg Drop Soup Our Way

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Egg Drop Soup is a classic soup made by adding beaten eggs to boiling chicken broth. It is a simple yet comforting soup that can …

9 replies
  1. @AiyaRyder
    @AiyaRyder says:

    I have always liked the soup in the restaurant but ever since I follow your guises recipe to try different things I’ve never liked to buy them homemade is always better. I’m excited to try this.

  2. @orsie200
    @orsie200 says:

    Looks delicious. Great for this very cold weather here in Iowa. I have all ingredients, except bok choy, and it’s too snowy to get to the grocery store, so I wonder if I could substitute cabbage for that? I must try this! Thank you!

  3. @mindysmom6132
    @mindysmom6132 says:

    I was born and raised in New Mexico, and my dad was an Executive Chef for a Chinese restaurant there, while I was growing up. I'm of Japanese descent, and Japanese restaurants were unheard of at that time. As a teenager, I was all about posole and menudo, not Asian food. As an adult, now residing in Southern California, Asian food is still not my first choice. Egg flower soup was so far off my radar, until now. Thank you for sharing this very healthy looking light meal. This is one that I will definitely make for my family! Blessings to you both!


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