Eating KFC in Thailand

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Trying the special menu at a KFC in Thailand.

19 replies
  1. Nanintell
    Nanintell says:

    Oh man, watching this makes me crave for kfc despite J festival. Choco ball is also delicious, expecially when you mix all ingredients inside the ball. It’s my favorite kfc ice cream.

  2. JBirdECE
    JBirdECE says:

    Oooh! I can almost see what you look like!!! We already know your partner is adorable! I’m imagining you are too!! Do we know your names? I watch you every week and I don’t know what your names are!!

  3. Tracy Mae
    Tracy Mae says:

    Dancing I've been watching your videos for years, I Love them…. I WASN'T SUBSRIBED TILL JUST TODAY!!! DANCING PLEASE TELL PEOPLE TO SUB OR THEY MIGHT FORGET LIKE ME T_T <3 Adhd problems

  4. Heather
    Heather says:

    I want them to visit the U.S. and try the original versions of KFC, Burger King, etc…. I am certain they would disappointed, it seems that even though we created it, we got the cheap lesser version of these places.


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