Eating FILIPINO Recipes For a Day 🇵🇭 (Champorado, Tinola, Ginisang Munggo and Turon)

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46 replies
  1. YouAlreadyknow 808
    YouAlreadyknow 808 says:

    I hate how Filipinos are not recognized for malugay!!!..cause we started it..and it’s a super food…seriously then america took it and made it into powder and shit like that…I was so mad..cause Filipinos been eating malungay for ever

  2. Winona Reese
    Winona Reese says:

    you can add vermicelli noodles or clear glass noodles on the tinola as well. My mom, used to do that when you don’t want to eat rice bc tinola is usually eaten with rice in the Philippines.

  3. Mack Bolan
    Mack Bolan says:

    Sayote is bland, papaya adds some sweetness to the dish depending on the ripeness. You usually don't mix Sayote and Papaya, because green papaya is sometimes not readily available people replace the it with Sayote instead. "Tinola" is readily indentifyable because of its chicken broth taste. So as a non-vegetarian, I'm not sure what it taste like without the chicken flavor? Or did you add chicken flavor somehow?

    "Ginisang Munggo" is also identifyable because of the broth. I guess, using vegetarian fish sauce creates the flavor.

    Kudos to you for giving your own twist on Filipino Dishes, because Filipino Dishes are really heavy on pork and chicken or fish. (I did "or" on fish, because I don't like small fish or anything that can kill me immediately when I eat lol).

  4. maria mendizabal
    maria mendizabal says:

    Can you make colada morada? Its an ecuadorian traditional drink from november season its so delicious and cozy. I’m not from Ecuador but when I lived there I learned to make it because it’s too good.

  5. Joy Montague
    Joy Montague says:

    Could maybe root and plant some of the (sp?) Malunga/Maranga ? for your garden or houseplant? A little greenhouse is nice for growing edible plants. Interesting foods and I can use some stuff sitting around bought on a whim. Lentils, that green squash, can jackfruit, etc. Love plantains.

  6. Map the Soul x
    Map the Soul x says:

    you guys just eat munggo on its own?? my partner and i need to eat it with lots of white rice 🙂 well we pretty much love having any filipino dish (or any asian dish for that matter) with lots of white rice! the meal is just incomplete without it lol

  7. Map the Soul x
    Map the Soul x says:

    dude malunggay is sooo freaking good. wayyy better than spinach in munggo. i mean, spinach is a good alternative but if you can find malunggay/moringa, it's SO delicious in soups and stews.

  8. aliceh04
    aliceh04 says:

    Have you thought about making a vegan Filipino cookbook? 😊 I was searching for one the other day as I'd like to discover this cuisine (and am a big cookbook collector) and didn't find anything out there!

  9. Fernandogdc
    Fernandogdc says:

    Nice recipes. I'm watching the soup part with headphones on. And the sound of the spoon on the bowl is really loud, if u could try to avoid this in the future. Since your mic is so close to the bowl, I wonder you know what it does. :/

  10. Chin Dela Cruz
    Chin Dela Cruz says:

    I love how you're so hyped abt the malunggay!! You can also make bomb malunggay pandesal with it! I love that you made ginisang munggo bc it's such an underrated dish, you can also top it with vegan pork rinds or add fried tofu for some crunch ☺️ loved this video

  11. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    I always LOVE when you make these videos for us – getting to know the cuisine you grew up with is just SO SO interesting! These particular recipes must be perfect for fall since they seem super cozy, comforting and warming!

    Also, a chocolate-rice porridge – bomb. A chocolate-rice porridge with fish – well this sound a little too unusual 😀 would rather crumble some potato chips or crispy pretzels on top!

    Anyways, thanks for showcasing these beautiful Filipino recipes!
    Have a great rest of the week!

  12. Iflip Over
    Iflip Over says:

    You can grow a moringa tree even from cuttings (bigger branches). It has so many health benefits. Has more vitamin c than oranges and more potassium than bananas plus many more. Lowers cholesterol and is often given to nursing mothers here for more production of milk. Usually mixed into breads (like pandesal w malunggay) or even cupcakes or mixed w spreads (more for lactating mothers)

  13. Loretta Cook
    Loretta Cook says:

    I love pancit and lumpia. Those are the only two Filipino foods that I'm familiar with. I knew they had to eat something besides those two dishes. I did learn something new. I never knew you could cook papaya. I guess it is just the green ones.

  14. Bibimbao
    Bibimbao says:

    Speaking of papaya, please make atchara. It would be nice with vegan pork skewers/barbecue. 😁

    Edit: I personally like young ampalaya leaves (bitter gourd/melon) added in my munggo but my sisters don't like it, they like malunggay/moringa.

  15. Kayla Austin
    Kayla Austin says:

    Was hoping you made pancit bihon easy to make vegan… my fav Filipino meal of all time. My best friend and neighbor was Filipino and her grandpa would make us "chocolate rice" it's what he called the chocolate rice at the start. He just used left over rice and added chocolate powder butter and milk lol and sugar

  16. Space Coast Vegan
    Space Coast Vegan says:

    Hearing you say pok pok took me back!! We call it that to! I seriously thought my mom made it up because the sound 😂 Everything looks amazing! Can’t wait to surprise my family with these dishes!!


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