Eat Fruit, Stay CUTE: Recipes For Healthy, Glowing Skin | Chef AJ LIVE! with Jeannette Donofrio

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33 replies
  1. adija
    adija says:

    thank God I was able to locate DR ADULE on YouTube who was able to eliminate my herpes virus totally with his herbal medicine from today I believe in herbal medicine💯%.

  2. Eszter Horvath
    Eszter Horvath says:

    Keine Impfpflicht! für nur vorläufig zugelassenen Impfstoff! IN USA GEKIPPT! Das weiss die Regierung und EU Parlament
    0 bzw keine Nebenwirkungen?!
    Mrna Experiment nicht unterstützen, da gegen Nürnberger Codex
    Impfdurchbruch heisst, Impfung nützt nichts?! Jawohl!
    Werbung für erst vorläufig zugelassen Impfstoff

    Stefan bringt es auf den Punkt – Bei diesem Irrsinn zu behaupten, man habe wissenschaftliche Studien durchgeführt, ist absolut krank im Kopf 🤬

    ➡️ Die Adjuvantien, fälschlicherweise als Hilfsstoffe in Impfstoffen bezeichnet, sind unheimlich gefährlich

    ➡️ Keine einzige mRNA-Impfung hat jemals in Tierversuchen funktioniert – IM GEGENTEIL!

    ➡️ In allen Impfstoffstudien werden keine Placebo-Studien durchgeführt – In der Placebogruppe sind die sogenannten Adjuvantien (Hilfssubstanzen) immer enthalten.

    ➡️ Diese Studien werden in den ärmsten Ländern durchgeführt, bei denen keiner etwas mitbekommt.

    Einfügung (JWD): Wenn die von Dr. Jane Ruby präsentierte Meldung, – "UAL-Forscher in Spanien decken die tatsächlichen Inhaltsstoffe im Pfizer-Biontech Impfstoff auf" – zutrifft, dann bestehen die Corona-Impfstoffe fast zu 100% aus Adjuvantien in Form von Graphenoxid-Nanopartikeln. Was wiederum klar macht, dass die Reise in Richtung "Transhumanismus", zu menschlichen Robotern gehen soll.
    "Jede der sechs Impfdosen aus der Impfstoffflasche bestand zu 99,99203% (747 ng) aus Graphenoxid. Der Rest war RNA 0,00797% (6 ng).there is no Virus, it is the injection Pharma gibt ihr Geld ?!o
    Alle vor Nürnberger Gerichte
    Es kann keine Impfpflicht für vorläufig zugelassenen Stoff geben.
    Waren nie am limit. 25000 Intensivbetten, nie mehr als 5700 pro Tag..3500 Städte, mindestens 1 gab nie Triage, nur in den Medien!!?
    Belgien..Alle auf Intensivstation sind geimpft schaut solange es da ist ….
    Shitstorm ?!.. sorge persönlich dafür, dass sie vor Nürnberger Gerichte kommen, so wahr mir Gott helfe
    Pharmahuren zur Rechenschaft gibt kein vi.rus no sienctific proof. ..l

  3. Nettie Rose
    Nettie Rose says:

    Your guest was fun to listen to, personable and charming and her story was uplifting. And Chef AJ is a good interviewer and host. However, I have to comment that the cost of eating this way is just not affordable for most people unless they have access to an amazing tropical garden year round. What is the cost of that bowl of cereal with all those berries- ( and probably organic) and with ingredients like goji berries? How about a reality check here? I love fruit but also really enjoy and crave savory foods. Could not eat mostly fruit. Glad this is working so well for the guest but it is just not possible for many people to eat this way.

  4. Angela Stenson
    Angela Stenson says:

    Quick question. Why do some raw vegans (only eat fruits and veggies raw) age rapidly and look much older even though their lifestyle include a lot of greens in their meals while others skin looks younger and amazing?

  5. Maureen K
    Maureen K says:

    Start the day with 1-2 pounds of leafy greens, (raw or cooked) like Chef AJ recommends for being healthy and losing weight. Leafy greens are known for reducing and/or eliminating food cravings. I know this works for me. Dr. Esselstyn also highly recommends eating leafy greens. See his daughter and wife's video on leafy greens (w/ special guest Dr. Esselstyn, himself). He explains how leafy greens makes your veins and arteries elastic. Actually eating greens make all skin more elastic so–fewer wrinkles, less heart attacks and strokes. Eating a variety of leafy greens is key to staying healthy, and micro greens, I've heard are even more healthy so that I think it is said one can eat less micro greens because the health benefits are concentrated. Broccoli sprouts are also more healthy than regular broccoli, I believe.

  6. Toni Muhammad
    Toni Muhammad says:

    although fresh fruit is good for us it is also bad for your teeth and weight. in my research, the body can not differentiate where the sugar is coming from. we need vegetables in our diet

  7. M Chagawa
    M Chagawa says:

    Wonderful to meet Jeanette, what a sweetheart! So happy for her success, and wow, so generous offering all the free recipes 😄 easy cooking is the best for sure 😌 thank you both very much 💜

  8. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    Wow, so much here reminds me of my journey…the high fat of raw gourmet foods is overwhelming and enticing to the Pleasure Trap. My weight spiraled out of control on my raw journey. I hope this young woman comes to terms with vegetables. At her tender age right now she hasn't quite approached hormonal changes, however as she nears 40, and is working out hard, like myself, the minerals from the greens and nutrients from veggies become ever more important. I adore her enthusiasm and her message. Stay the course, dear young friend. Thank you for the free recipe ebook. Namaste.🙏

  9. Sherri Prince
    Sherri Prince says:

    I have TMJ. I feel like the Lord led me to Dr Melody Barron, Cordova Tn. It was so bad I thought I might have to file for disability. She makes a mouth piece for the day and a different one for night. People come from all over the world to see her. She is truly a God send


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