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35 replies
  1. Cathy Parker
    Cathy Parker says:

    If you don’t want to fry your egg rolls you can put parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Spray the parchment paper with cooking spray. Place egg rolls on the parchment paper. Spray the tops of the egg rolls with cooking spray and bake at 400 degrees until browned. So much less oil!

  2. Big toe productions
    Big toe productions says:

    I don’t measure but I use
    Flour, oil, baking powder, salt and warm water. You can put them inside a couple clean dish towels stacked up after cooked to keep them warm and soft.

    Also you can use pamonas pectin to thicken jam/ jelly and use other sweeteners or honey/ maple syrup or no sweetener at all. It thickens the jam by calcium water instead of normal sure jell which uses sugar.

  3. Ashley Maldonado
    Ashley Maldonado says:

    Looove the long term food storage content at the end of your vids! Would you consider putting the recipes together into a compilation video or even dedicating one to a day of storage prep? Would love to see it!

  4. Ashley Irizarry-Diaz
    Ashley Irizarry-Diaz says:

    I premake my spring rolls and freeze them in cooked then when I’m ready to eat them I just take them out of the freezer and throw them in my air fryer. Or they will last like 2 days uncooked in my fridge then I can air fry then too!

  5. Katrina Baumann
    Katrina Baumann says:

    When I made egg rolls I used the Shredded power blend (brussel sprouts, napa cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, carrots, and kale) cause they didn't have cabbage and Shredded carrots at my local store that day. It was soooo good. I would definitely recommend!

  6. Evelyn Darty
    Evelyn Darty says:

    Fried pickles is really good with egg roll wrappers. Put in a small chunk of cheddar cheese with the pickle before frying. Yum….the whole family loves them. Ranch for dipping

  7. Susan Howard
    Susan Howard says:

    I love your videos !! I love how you shared that the girl's get a fruit and a vegetable at dinner time. That is a great way to teach all children to eat there fruit's & especially those vegetables. I really command you as a parent !! A single parent at that. Do you have a big area to keep your canned vegetables that you do ? I would love to have a whole room to put canned item's. But unfortunately I don't….lol Last I like how you meal prep and everything is made from scratch. Great job on everything !! 🙋‍♀️

    TINCIO TV says:

    We love spring rolls! It's our staples, we never run out of it.

    What I do is I double the wrapper so the oil don't get inside. They remain crispy longer

    I make them, wrap them, and then freeze! We will just fry them whenever we feel like eating it! They are good with bean sprouts too!

  9. Songs of Sofia
    Songs of Sofia says:

    I also bake my own bread and make my own strawberry jam, or other berry mixes I have at hand. To make it more healthy I use raw sugar and to make it not so runny I use potatoe starch. Always nice to see your meal preps and hear your small talking around the cooking. Love it!


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