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Easy Veggie Lentil Soup Ingredients: 6 cups of veggie broth 6 cups of diced peeled potatoes 1 1/2 cups carrots chopped 1 cup soaked and rinsed red lentils 1/2 …

22 replies
  1. myqtpie44
    myqtpie44 says:

    AMAZING! DELICIOUS!!!! We LOVE the veggie lentil soup. It is so easy to make. Made it using homemade vegetable broth and added some extra chopped carrots and diced potatoes. Soooooooo good!!!!! I've made this using natural release (when I have lots of time) and this batch, I used quick release so we didn't have to wait to eat (we were starved).😋😋😋😋😋

  2. Jamie Cee49
    Jamie Cee49 says:

    Sounds really good. I need to make some soon. I need to get some Red Lentils. Need to order them. Cause our store doesn't seem to know what they are lol. Except for the green ones. I like the green ones. Been wanting to try the Red ones. Your video's are calming and relaxing. Just found you tonight. 🙂

  3. myqtpie44
    myqtpie44 says:

    Wow! Amazing recipe. DELISH!!!!! It's an easy one to make and it's done in an instant pot. I used my homemade vegetable broth, diced white potatoes and red onion along with all the other ingredients.

    Mmmmm, mmmmm, good! Wonderful comfort food. Such a winner of a recipe!!!!😋😋😋😋

  4. Cindy Amey
    Cindy Amey says:

    Made this tonight in my Crockpot it was DELICIOUS! I added 1/2 tbls curry powder for extra flavor but no other changes. The aroma, whilst it was cooking was amazing! Definitely a keeper & hubby loved it too. Thanks you Brittany for such an easy, nourishing, delicious recipe. X

  5. De B
    De B says:

    Hi Brit. I’ve made this quite a bit and love it. Is there a reason not to leave the skins on the potatoes? As I was making it today, I thought it would cut prep time down. Just wondering your thoughts? Also, why soak red lentils? I never have? Thanks.

  6. Jamie Mills
    Jamie Mills says:

    This soup is seriously DELICIOUS! I made it Friday and everyone (even my little picky eater) loved it so much I had to make another pot the next day. We sprinkled a little vegan “Parmesan” (made with cashews and nutritional yeast) on top when it was served. YUM!!!

  7. Sharon James
    Sharon James says:

    This is one of my favorite soup recipes. I've varied it multiple times, sometimes adding other leftover veggies, using water instead of veg. broth, and it always tastes delicious. The smoked paprika is a wonderful spice!

  8. Kim L
    Kim L says:

    I am going to make this tonight. Did you cook it on Low? It looks like it on the video, but you didn't mention it. Thanks! I ended up making this. Soaked the lentils for about 2.5 hours. I used 1 tsp. of Bragg's Liquid Aminos in place of the white miso. I did set the IP to LOW. It turned out so good. I'm new to this way of eating and my dh and I both rate this 5/5! Next time I might set it to cook for less than 15 minutes as the potatoes were very done. Will make this again! Thanks for a great recipe for a newbie!

  9. Ines de Bres
    Ines de Bres says:

    Hi, Britney (did I spell that right I wonder)! I too am trying to add more lentils to my cooking. This soup looks delicious. But… It is just me I am cooking for. This seems like it will make a really big batch. How well does it freeze? Or, CAn it be freezed? If not, I will just cut the recipe down to size.
    Thanks for all your videos, your tips, your recipes and your wonderful good mood

  10. Chelci Lombardi
    Chelci Lombardi says:

    This looks yummy. I’m going to make this for dinner today. I just got the instant pot last month and I’ve been looking for more quick and easy plant based recipes. Thanks.


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