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Today, I’m sharing with you more easy vegan meals for weight loss, which are super simple plant-based meal. These are so yummy and will make this lifestyle a …

28 replies
  1. Lynn
    Lynn says:

    The oatmeal looks delicious. I can’t wait to try adding apples. If you add the vanilla near the end it will have more of the vanilla favor. I think the heat may destroy some of the flavor. This is what my southern mama taught me. 😊 I like how you use mason jars to store food. I want to start doing this. Easy to see what is stored and easy clean up in the dishwasher. I just found your channel yesterday and have binged watched many of your videos. I’ve gotten so many new recipes and ideas. Thanks!

  2. Chew on Vegan
    Chew on Vegan says:

    Another great video! I must say your skin is gorgeous! Eating plants is the best. After being vegan for 9 years I started the starch solution in January and guess what I lost my last 15 pounds. So 💚easy and I'm never hungry.

  3. Shannon Self
    Shannon Self says:

    Thank you for sharing. I've been trying to follow starch solution over the past month, but I'm having a hard time with letting go of the cheese!….and sometimes a chicken nugget from my daughter's plate! Love the simplicity of your meals. Congrats on 45lbs. That's awesome!

  4. Healthy Vegan Mama
    Healthy Vegan Mama says:

    Hi guys! Just a note – Feel free to omit the brown sugar from the apple pie oatmeal and the avocado from the Fiesta bowl – if you prefer to not have added sugar or fat to your meals. I was able to experience maximum weight loss with a little brown sugar every now and then and a small amount of fat – but that's just me. Have a wonderful day and week! Thanks for watching and subscribing.


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