Easy Thick Vegan Yogurt | Soy Free | Nut Free | High in Protein | Only 1 SINGLE INGREDIENT

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since I turned vegan, I missed a lot of dishes and drinks that were made of yogurt/curd. I tried various recipes for vegan yoghurt but none of them were good …

42 replies
  1. Never Give Up Dear Friend
    Never Give Up Dear Friend says:

    ฤฐ made it and LOVE ฤฐT. Firstly i don't like chickpeas, but i love dairy yogurt that i almost eat everyday. So i thought of making this recipe to make me eat chickpeas and it really worked! ฤฐ made the recipe but i added little vanilla powder to suppress peas taste little. And the texture was so good! ฤฐt tastes peas pretty much but adding lemon juice to your bowl surprisingly works so well. ฤฐt gets rid of chickpeas taste and don't get sour! So i add my toppings and eat happily. You can treat it like dairy yogurt ,add whatever you want,but don't forget to add lemon juice before adding if you want it to taste more like yogurt. Also it get harder after few days waiting in fridge. The water comes out and it get more solid which i liked even more. ฤฐ am not vegan but is great recipe even for me! Thank you a lot!

  2. The Living Room
    The Living Room says:

    1 cup soaked chick pea( soak for 12 hrs)
    Save 4 tbsp soaking water as starter for later use.
    Blend chick pea with one cup water
    Add 3 more cups water
    Squeeze milk out and separate pulp
    Boil milk with constant stirring until thick like custard
    Remove foam
    Let cool to luke warm
    Add no nonmetal dish
    Add soaking water
    Let rest for 6-8 hrs.

    Youre welcome

  3. Saiprakash Balasubramanian
    Saiprakash Balasubramanian says:

    Good morning mam. Thank you for vegan curd preparation

    Doctor has advised me to take rich protein diet and however all these days, I avoid chickpeas because it has tendency of creating gas.

    Kindly advise if I take chickpeas in the form of vegan curd will help to increase my protein levels. I am currently taking medicines for non-cirrotic hypertension for almost 25 years now, because of which protein absorption is very less through food I take.

    Please advise taking vegan curd will improve my protein levels.

    Appreciate if you can respond back. Thank you sairam.

  4. Tumble Bug
    Tumble Bug says:

    Have no idea why this video was recommended for me, as I would never eat something so disgusting! For the record, thereโ€™s no such thing as vegan milk, cheese, or yogurt, as these are uniquely nourishing animal/dairy products.


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