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Welcome to Frugal Fit Mom and today I am thrilled to share with you some fast and easy crockpot sandwiches for summer! I hope you try these and they make …

43 replies
  1. Pamela Gay
    Pamela Gay says:

    My kids are age 48 and 41. And with families of their own. But these do look good. And can be made for just 2 people like me and my husband and have left overs.

  2. Donna Mckeller
    Donna Mckeller says:

    Love the slow cooker for summer cooking. Doesn’t heat up the house and you still get yummy, filling meals.
    My aunt taught me to always put a little water in the jar and shake it around to get all the goodness. A little milk in any creamy sauce or dressing gets the final bits from those too.

  3. Rachel
    Rachel says:

    You cook like I do 😂😂😂 thank you for this video. I’m totally preplanning meals for when baby boy comes, and all of these are on the list!

  4. Kylie-Anne Connell
    Kylie-Anne Connell says:

    You just blew my mind when making the fajitas!
    I’ve always made mine one at a time and the way you did it is amazing hahaha I literally face palmed and asked myself why I’m such a dummy 😂

  5. Bobby Smith
    Bobby Smith says:

    I could eat sammies, soup, and salads for every meal. Heck, I have made salads for breakfast. I had my cousins over for a weekend just to get out of the COVID-19 stuck in their house all the time. I let mom sleep in, and I was up making tea, which the kids love with honey. They think it is very fancy and grown up. They wanted cereal, but I really only had Chex mix that we were gonna make the mix for movies later in the day. I told them I was gonna make myself a salad for breakfast, and I could make them pancakes if they wanted. I got, “EWWW, salads for breakfast?!?!?!” I looked at them and said we had biscuits and gravy for dinner last night, and that is normally for breakfast. Then they boy asked, what do I put in my salads. I told them what ever I want. They can be picky eaters. So I told them I like to have beets…..ewww!!! Was the response. I had them try the pickled ones and the non pickled ones. They loved the non pickled ones!!! So were were about to make out breakfast salads, and I asked if they wanted a hard boiled egg with the salads. And, the girl said that is full of protein, and her coach recommend hard boiled eggs with a banana or other fruit as a healthy snack, so I made three hard boiled eggs for us. I then found out that I was out of croutons, that they wanted. But, I had four hot dog buns that needed to be used up. So I showed them how to chop them into bit sized pieces, add a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, mix all together, and tossed on a baking sheet, then into the oven. Homemade croutons!!! Then the boy asked about if he could use my fancy cheese grinder (my micro plane) to add cheese to his salad. I said sure. As we were sitting down to watch a new episode of WandaVision, mom woke up (no coffee!!!!), and was very upset that I was feeding them a salad for breakfast. After coffee we talked. I explained that I dont have cereal, and offered to make them pancakes, but I was already making a salad for myself. Plus, with all the veggies, including beets (which blew her mind), homemade croutons, meat, cheese, and a hard boiled egg, that this meal was so much better that sugar in a bowl. Her kids eat 3 or four salads for breakfast a week now. The boy has lost 7 pounds of fat, and wants to learn how to cook more. Same with his sister. This weekend we are making m=homemade Dutch oven bread, homemade butter, and some jams!!! Mom is buying lees processed foods, and they are ordering lees take out. The kids want to cook. They are watch move cooking videos on YouTube and both have the tasty app. When mom was at work, and dad went to the gym, he told them that when he picks up mom from work, that he will call and ask what they can pick up for dinner. They are 15 and 13, soon to be 16 and 14…OMG!!! When mom called, the girl told them they needed to be home in 10 minutes because dinner will be ready soon. They made Greek chicken breasts, roasted lemon potatoes, and a Greek salad!!!! And, as dad said, it was yummy, and he is proud of his kids. Now the family cooks more often. There is just one or two days a week that mom has to make dinner. The kids do the rest, because they love too. She called me to thank me for giving them salad for breakfast, which inspired the kids to want to learn more, be independent, and that a simple salad brought her family closer. Oh, and they love your show!!!!

  6. Jody Blinoff
    Jody Blinoff says:

    Can't wait to try the ham and sausage sandwiches! It's a nice change from beef because we love it so much and cook it all the time! Thanks for something new, Christine!

  7. William Warren
    William Warren says:

    I could NOT agree MORE – jalapenos come in two spices – the OHHHHMY GOD MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE – or DID YOU REALLY PUT Jalepenos in here cause I don't taste them 🙂 glenda W

  8. Patrick Adams
    Patrick Adams says:

    That Italian sausage sandwich could use some Mozarella on it and then put into a Foreman grill…if you prop one of those up it becomes a Panini press….If you butter the outsiode of the bread as well to get extra flavour and crispen up the bread before schkoffing

  9. Nikki
    Nikki says:

    ah your red crock pot/ slow cooker not sure the name is the same as mine! don't know why that made me so excited lol. Gotta try this ham recipe and others!

  10. Ariadna Vega
    Ariadna Vega says:

    With the jalapeno roulette, in Spain we have a saying with another type of pepper 'pimientos de padrón, que unos pican y otros no' (padron peppers, some are spicy and some are not). So you're not that far with the roulette theory.

  11. Kathy K
    Kathy K says:

    Thanks for the recipes. They are new to me. These will be so easy to make for lunches/late suppers. Here in Arizona when its over 105 in the summer the slow cooker is the way to go. No one wants to heat up the house cooking. 😥 Can hardly wait to try them out! Thanks again.


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