Easy step by step, Sourdough starter, The best Sourdough English Muffin Recipe!

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baking #cooking #sourdoughstarter #sourdoughenglishmuffins #englishmuffinrecipe #bread #homemade #Homesteading …

28 replies
  1. Donna Casey
    Donna Casey says:

    Newbie: I started my starter on 05 Feb 2023, everyday I have added 1/2 Cup Unbleached Flour and 1/2 lukewarm distilled water, mix with wooden chop stick until mixed well, put my Ball lid and top on unscrewed and just sitting on top, added the same ingredients everyday since (05Feb20230 until today and I really don't see any rise but it smells good and sitting next to my refrigerator

  2. Im Everywoman
    Im Everywoman says:

    Ms. Lori, those muffins look OUTSTANDING!!! I can't wait to try this recipe! And Mr. Brown is so precious. He is so kind and outwardly adoring of your work. Thank you for your godly example. It's such a blessing to get these little glimpses into your life and kitchen. Blessings to you both!

  3. Tamara Ameling
    Tamara Ameling says:

    Thanks for the starter recipe. I do have a question. After day#5 and I use some starter in a recipe, is day # 6 like day #1 with a half cup of each or do I continue with a quarter cup, and for how long? At some point can I refrigerate it and bring it out to warm it up overnight to use and refeed?? Thank you for any advice you can give me. Tomorrow is day #5 on my first try. So far so good.🤗

  4. Tammy Dove
    Tammy Dove says:

    Started my sourdough starter yesterday but I have a question: after the fifth day and you use some of it, do you continue to feed it and how long to keep it??? Should you refrigerate it???? I'm concerned 🤔🤔😲😲

  5. paula nelson
    paula nelson says:

    Oh thank you so much for this coming! I absolutely love love sourdough anything! Especially English muffins!
    You made something I thought was beyond my making into something that I think I can accomplish! 🥰😊

  6. Beverly Miller
    Beverly Miller says:

    Hello Miss Lori and Mr. Brown. Please can you tell me how to keep my starter going. Also how much can be used each time I make bread. Thank you . Lots of love and gratitude ❤. When is Mr. Brown going to have another Bible study. I love his Bible time.

  7. Amanda Kieft
    Amanda Kieft says:

    So I’m new to sour dough…and Ive been trying to learn…I’ve tried for three years but always kill it…so u don’t need to discard each time you feed it?? And do u always need to add yeast?? I thought that was the purpose of the sour dough?…again I’m learning about this still so any helpful advice is welcome..thanks

  8. Margi Dyer
    Margi Dyer says:

    You mentioned in another video about an Emril appliance. Which one as when I went to his site there were multiple models. Thanks. Also you could you please explain your mixer. Never have seen one like that. Maybe a video on the appliances you do use.

  9. danielle marceaux
    danielle marceaux says:

    Love you videos you make things so simple and easy we need to get back to making things simple and I think this is a really good way to get started can you freeze this dough because my freezer space is big enough for one ice cube tray


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