EASY SOUP RECIPE | Life With The Allen’s TV

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recipe #cooking #soup #food #vlog #2022 What’s up guys! Welcome back to another video! We are back with another recipe!

30 replies
  1. PrayerGirl
    PrayerGirl says:

    Hey Dorcas. I make up dishes all the time😁. Your soup looks delicious. Add some sausage or chicken & cook some cornbread 😋. Share some of your soup with the Koger’s. If you got too much That’s healing soup💜

  2. Drusilla Young
    Drusilla Young says:

    Hey Dorcas yes I do that a lot when ever we have rotisserie chicken and there is left over I freeze it and make chicken soup. Last week I make a soup kind of like your and the flavor was on point.

  3. Shelley House
    Shelley House says:

    Heyyyyyyyy Mrs Dorcus that recipe looks real good 👍🏽 😋 I will be trying this out especially in this type of weather we're having 🌧 rainy & 🥶 cold need something light to eat great cooking video

  4. Mary Mullen
    Mary Mullen says:

    Oh My ! I want some it looks so good. I live in Buffalo, New York we just had a snow storm I could eat that right about now…lol ! Let us know how it taste and what was Mr. Allen's reaction to the new recipe. till next time stay safe. Love you both


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