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30 replies
  1. sharon colwell
    sharon colwell says:

    Such an inspirational cook!! I wish your videos had 'smell-o-vision' !!!
    I haven't had a kitchen for 7 weeks as my husband has been fitting a new one over the weekends… I am so excited for tomorrow, BEST MOTHERS DAY GIFT EVER haha !!! πŸ™‚

  2. Sev Arif
    Sev Arif says:

    Bloody amazing as usual thank you so much for giving us your time and helping us with food ideas xxπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©

  3. Lynn Cooke
    Lynn Cooke says:

    Lovely recipes, I have done the beef pies like you do but instead of stock put a tin of Newcastle brown Ale, the alcohol evaporates so Children could have as well. Also done with Chicken & Leeks pies. Will def try banana cake. Thank you. xx

  4. Gina Parry
    Gina Parry says:

    Love all of these recipes. I make banana bread the long way and add chopped walnuts but cant find a banana for love nor money right now. I do have condensed milk and flour so will try this as soon as I can get the bananas xx

  5. The Foulger Family
    The Foulger Family says:

    Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by! Just a few thoughts i've had since uploading the video & some tips you guys have shared:

    1. If you are struggling to find fresh beef for the pie/stew, you could substitute with tinned corned beef. It won't hold it's shape and will be more of a smooth texture but the flavour will still be great and it would work well. Tinned stewed steak is another idea if you can get it!
    2. For the chicken tacos, you could use tinned beans instead of chicken, any would work, kidney beans, butter beans, chickpeas, even baked beans!
    3. Tinned tuna would work in the mozzarella pesto dish & if you can't find mozzarella then you could add a little cream cheese instead.
    4. One of you suggested Miso paste instead of marmite in the pie if you are not a fan!
    5. If you can't find condensed milk then evaporated milk is supposed to be a good substitute if you add sugar (around 200g to one tin) then bring the two to the boil stirring continuously and remove from the heat to cool. (I haven't tried this but it might be worth a try!)
    6. If you have any, a handful of walnuts, chocolate chips or raisins would work really well in the banana bread (just add them to the batter)

    Hope this helps, any more tips, keep them coming and I can add them here!

  6. FitAussieAngie
    FitAussieAngie says:

    I love my slow cooker, we are in spring here now in Australia, but I use my slow cooker a lot in the winter. Fantastic recipes! I agree about chatting together, this virus epidemic can take a toll in all of us mentally and emotionally also.

  7. Liliana Silvansky
    Liliana Silvansky says:

    Oh my goodness what delicious recipes you showed us! I saved this video to be able to go back and make Everything!! πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for sharing these with us. I pray that you and your family are staying happy and well. God Bless! HUGS

  8. Dani Dawes
    Dani Dawes says:

    OMG LOVE this video, very handy recipes for whats going on right now, Great mix of pantry and freezer items πŸ™‚ I will sooooo be trying the banana bread recipe! Thank you yet again for an awesome video! Also just FYI I live in Elmira, NY in the US. Not the city but the upstate area, very country living here πŸ™‚

  9. Joleen McCann
    Joleen McCann says:

    Yum yum yum! Food always amazing! Cant wait to try banana bread and pies! Your so positive vicki! Well done πŸ‘. You dont even realise how much your really helping us all Xxx


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