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EASY REALISTIC BUDGET MEALS || $10 AND UNDER || FAMILY DINNER IDEAS #budgetmeals #easybudgetfriendlyrecipes …

25 replies
  1. Finding My Light
    Finding My Light says:

    I try to understand how stocking up your pantry helps save money but I struggle with it. If you use something from the pantry, you have to replace it… how is that saving money? you then have to go out and buy the item again to store which makes you spend more money because now you have to replace it,, I have a strict budget of $35 a week for 2 people and it is a struggle and getting worse with price increases.. I wish I understood how to do this so it benefits me but I can't seem to understand how it saves money,, you use an item, you replace it, which is spending money plus the money you already need to buy the groceries you need for the week. I am not trying to be a brat, but I honestly just can't get myself to understand how it saves money. The price of meat now is almost impossible to stock up on for people like me on an extreme budget..I need to go back and watch your prepper pantry videos again.

  2. Joan Hawkins
    Joan Hawkins says:

    You can freeze your left over pasta water and use in soups. Also, when I have a recipe that calls for corn, green beans or tomatoes drained, I put that in a container.

  3. Amy Hazlett
    Amy Hazlett says:

    This was a great video to help people realize they can feed their families on a budget. Also, if you or your family do not have the resources to buy food, check your local food pantry, police stations, or churches to see if they can help or direct you to someone who can. Please don’t go hungry…

  4. Reta Harrison
    Reta Harrison says:

    The video was great…I love Knorr Spanish rice so I will be trying the chicken dish…and btw in case no one has told you…your new haircut and pink nails are beautiful. You look fantastic 😊

  5. Stacy Russell
    Stacy Russell says:

    Love this video. When my kids were younger, I'd buy two big baking potatoes for four kids. Each kid would get half a baked potato & it was somehow always just enough. Miss those easy days 🤣.

  6. Kathy’s Crazy Life
    Kathy’s Crazy Life says:

    I get a bag of onions and chop them myself and freeze them. They taste so much better than the frozen chopped onion in the freezer section. I do this with my celery and bell peppers too. We pretty much only eat chicken and ground beef anymore. We stretch meals with potatoes, pasta, or rice. I buy a lot of store brands. I prefer frozen vegetables rather than canned. I don’t buy snack foods except for my mother-in-law, who lives with us and is 90 yo. She loves the deli cookies and apple fritters. If my husband and I need a snack, we eat leftovers. One cheap go to meal around here is macaroni and cheese with small dices of ham.

  7. Kathy Nester
    Kathy Nester says:

    Awesome video. Great ideas. I frequently use the 75 cent discount Italian loaf, $1 pizza sauce, pepperoni and cheese slices. So cheap and good. I make a big salad to go with it.


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