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Have you been looking for a Plant Based Vegan Yogurt that isn’t full of preservatives and a bunch of unnecessary ingredients? Well then, this is the recipe for …

30 replies
  1. nancy herrmann
    nancy herrmann says:

    So I have an instant pot but not that brand and it doesn't have a yogurt setting on it. What would I set the instant pot on for temperature cuz I can control that and how long. Thanks

  2. Lisa Russom
    Lisa Russom says:

    Thanks for this delicious recipe. Can you explain how much yogurt to save to continue your yogurt. Also, explanation as to how you do that. Thanks. Love your show.

  3. Nancy Wheat
    Nancy Wheat says:

    Jill, How long does the yogurt last in the fridge? After a few days mine got runny. How do you know when it’s bad? Also can any probiotic be used? Thanks so much

  4. Rita Kilicci
    Rita Kilicci says:

    When saving up some left over yogurt for the next batch, does it make a difference, if I switch up between types of plant-milks? Or is it for instance ok to use an oatmilk-yogurt-leftover when planning on making some soymilk-yogurt next?

  5. Vivian
    Vivian says:

    I made this. I steamed my inner pot to sterilize it. Then I used the same ingredients as you but I didn't use the jars. Used the yogurt button for 8 hours. Put it in the fridge for 8 hours. It's not as thick as yours looks. I'm not sure why. It tastes good though. I assume that maybe sterilizing the inner pot was too warm and killed some of the pills actions? Maybe if I cook it longer? Any ideas?

  6. MtnHike
    MtnHike says:

    Who are the 7 knuckleheads who gave this a thumbs down? Ppl NOT looking into how to make easy yogurt?? GREAT VIDEO & EASY RECIPE STEPS!!! 💕

  7. Robin Meares
    Robin Meares says:

    Jill, another question please. Once I make my first batch of soy yogurt with the pills, then when I make subsequent batch I use part of the first batch for my starter. So then my question is – – what do I do with the rest of my pills? What other uses is there for them? thank you

  8. Robin Meares
    Robin Meares says:

    I'm confused about the strength of the acidophilus tablets. You answered in the comments that you used "12 strain 20 billion". But when I click the link in your recipe it takes me to Amazon, but what comes up is "24 strain 30 billion". Which is correct? thank you

  9. Karen Powell
    Karen Powell says:

    I don’t see Chelsea’s yogurt video on making it super easy with less contamination possibilities. Can you direct me to this. I did click on the link for it below, but no video.


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