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Right now, new ButcherBox members are receiving free ground beef in every box for the life of their membership: …

29 replies
  1. Erin J
    Erin J says:

    I have a box of the stroganoff Hamburger Helper in my pantry right now. Hadn't bought it in years but I saw it on the shelf last week and got a hankering for it. I'm going to make it for meal prep to have for lunches next week. Yum.

  2. sheila donaldson
    sheila donaldson says:

    Cheeseburger macaroni is my favorite! I used to like the beef stroganoff and cooked that as a newlywed gourmet meal, but I tried it recently and the noodles were mushy and didnโ€™t seem as good.

  3. Lisa Harr1
    Lisa Harr1 says:

    Yes I LOVE Hamburger Helper !!!!!!! Beef Stroganoff is my favorite one. Unfortunately my husband has to watch his sodium so I cannot buy it any more. I am so super excited you shared these recipes !!! They look yummy !!!

  4. Mary Watkins
    Mary Watkins says:

    You gave the tip of grouping your ingredients per recipe amount. I cook and bake this way: move all my ingredients (bags of flour/sugar/canned items/seasonings) out on my kitchen island. As I proceed through the recipe and add each measured ingredient in, I move that item back to the kitchen counter as a way of ensuring I know it's been added. If I get distracted during a recipe, I can come back and not get confused. Especially important for baking as accuracy is crucial.

  5. M R
    M R says:

    Yay! Instant pot. I recently asked you a question and you didn't have one yet. It intimidates me so and I haven't even taken mine put of the box. Have had it for 2 years. I can't wait for your videos using it

  6. Lee M
    Lee M says:

    cheeseburger mac. I never could eat hamburger helper when a child had a preservative in it I was real allergic too. So brought box cheeseburger for hurricane supplies and ate it one day after hurricane. I make mine mainly from scratch but will be buying easy fix. Thank you for sharing. It pretty much takes the same amount of time.

  7. Cheryl Land
    Cheryl Land says:

    Sometimes you just need to go back to the old basics. Used HH growing up as mom worked and it was an easy meal. I often go back to the old Dill Dip and Knorrโ€™s Vegetable Dip recipes.

  8. Lexy Hartzell
    Lexy Hartzell says:

    These homemade hamburger helpers look so yummy!!! My familys fav is the stroganoff one!! Love that you made one in the instant pot im always tryin to find new recipes for my instant pot!!! Cant wait for you to have more instant pot recipes!!!!!

  9. Wanda Woods
    Wanda Woods says:

    Everything is so expensive now a days I wouldn't buy all that stuff either eat it like it is or buy the the sausage for a change but I haven't had hh in a long long time and I like the italian shell one best but I do like watching ur videos u do give alot of ideals thanks

  10. Ginny Barrett
    Ginny Barrett says:

    When we expecting our 4th baby, we had to really tighten our already tight belt to save money. I couponed like a fiend and Hamburger Helper was always a staple in the Sunday paper and in our pantry. We like the Lasagna, cheesy mac and the chili may. I liked the tuna helper but no one else did. ๐Ÿ™„ I learned to make it from scratch in my big skillet on the stove top and discovered the Instant Pot version about 5 years ago. I have very fond memories of that box feeding our family. โค

  11. Mindy Peterson
    Mindy Peterson says:

    Wow, the memories… My mom was a fan of the beef stroganoff. Mine was the Italian lasagna. Has an adult and mother my children enjoyed the beef mac n cheese. My daughter has duped that one and it's yummy. Ive learned to dupe them myself and love doing it in the IP. (For the beef stroganoff, I've dupe this by using a box or 2 of the prepackaged stroganoff potatoes, adding sour cream, milk, cream cheese, spices, and hamburger. I do not use the flavor packet that comes with the prepackaged box, I have on occasion used sliced real potatoes still yummy.) I agree the dupes are better. I'm a child of the 70's and 80's eating meals at the table and talking was the thing to do. And the meal had to be long and hardy to stand up to the talks. Ty for sharing the memories are great to remember. Bless ๐Ÿ™Œ your heart.

  12. Rhonda Vigil
    Rhonda Vigil says:

    I never make Hamburger Helper but last week I did. My dad called so I turned the heat off and put the lid on. About 30 minutes later I went to serve it up.
    It was a big blob of orange glue. Lol
    Complete fail.

  13. Michelle Zerber
    Michelle Zerber says:

    Funny story, one night, we were sitting around watching tv. A HH commercial came on. My then husband said he would never eat that garbage. In my head I said hmm let's test that. After my 2 older kids were in school, my youngest and I headed to the store. We were on the cone of silence..lol I made the HH, hid the boxes in the trash. Husband came home. He ate 2 big bowls. When he finished, I asked if he liked it and he loved it. Then I told him what he ate. He didn't believe me. I had to dig the boxes out of the trash. Since he had never had it before that night he was shocked.

  14. Kim Thomson
    Kim Thomson says:

    These are great recipes. I love my instant pot. I use it at least 3-4 times a week. If I forget to take out a pound of ground beef or ground chicken I just put it in my IP with a liquid of course for pressure cook time of 5 minutes. It is so much better than using the microwave to thaw it out. 365 days of slow and pressure cook YouTube has some great IP recipes. She has a fantastic Crack chicken chili that we love and a cheesy cheese burger Mac that is so good. I also follow Six Sisters and they do loads of IP recipes. I cook potatoes and the eggs in my IP for potato salad and the eggs and potatoes turn out perfect every time. I also cook corn on the cob in my IP all the time. Break the cobs in half and stand on the trivet add a cup of milk and 2 tbps of butter and set to pressure for 5 minutes. The corn turns out amazing every time. FYI the slots in the handles of the IP are to stick ur lid in so u don't have to set the lid on your counter.


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