"EASY" Lean Crockpot Beef Chili | Healthy Recipe

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Today we are cooking crockpot beef chili. This is a super simple recipe that anyone can make. This is a go to meal on a cold Ohio winter day and i know you are …

31 replies
  1. Sadie Woodley
    Sadie Woodley says:

    When I went to keep fats lower and protein even higher I use fat-free Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, and fat-free shredded cheese. Lower calories all around, no fat, adds TONS more protein and some moderate carbs

  2. Isaiah Malin
    Isaiah Malin says:

    nice n simple, i make pretty much the sme thing all the time, but with kidney beans. i used to use really fatty beef, 73% lean i believe, and boy all that fat can really take a toll. you feel tired and heavy all day after a few bowls of that. also thanks for those tnation articles or whatever they're called. ive been using your tips from there and these here videos, and im more filled out than ive ever been, and my rear delts are finally starting to really grow. and ive never done such brutal leg training, that shit hurts real good, those sissy squats after all that, forget about walking the next day haha

  3. Paul Evans
    Paul Evans says:

    Great stuff, i think i could actually make that without burning anything too!!!
    Do you have a recomendation for a website to find info on, the difference between your bodies natural production of human growth hormone, what it does, and what it needs to make you bigger compared to protien synthesis, and if, or how they work together or against each other?
    Ive been lifting properly for just over two and a half years now (natural) and have always focused on protien intake and timing. Ive put on muscle and lost a lot of fat, and had a lot of fun doing so with the help of your vids, its changed my life and i just keep on gaining more and more interest and passion for all aspects of health, ive never really concentrated on losing fat before as it was happening anyway, but now it has kinda slowed down. I watched your carb cycling and fasting vids and have started to follow your advice and i am seeing positive results (thankyoooooo) but i read that food before sleep will interfere with the release of hgh and training fasted can increase it.
    But for the whole time i have been lifting i have always had a decent meal before bed with a lot of protien, normaly some quickly digested and slower digested, this is because i always train early in the morning, within an hour of waking up and it works well to give lots of energy through my time in the gym (i learned that from some guy called john meadows, he is awesome, you should check him out, even his son is cool).
    Anyway (sorry for the huge story) (and all the brackets) as i am trying to lose fat, would it be a good idea to, go to bed on an empty stomach and workout on an empty stomach, my theory being i will produce more gh? If so, would eaa's and cluster dextrin still be advisable as an intra? Or just eat after the workout instead?
    Basically, does naturally produced hgh make you grow on its own?And is it linked to protien synthesis?
    I am aware that this may be a silly question but it i am confused.
    Hope you are still awake after all that.
    Keep up the good work
    Thanks : )

  4. Brown Eagle
    Brown Eagle says:

    Love the channel. I am an intermediate lifter. Currently 177lbs – ~ %13bf. My goal is to cut before running another mild cycle. I run a basic full body routine 3 sets 8-12, all the major compounds, 3 days a week. I work as a landscaper. I am currently cutting at 2700 calories. (EST 3500 for maintenance) Energy has been an issue. I am currently struggling to progress on my lifts and lose weight at the same time. It seems I can do one or the other. My question is does it make sense to place more focus on diet/cardio and less on lifting? I am trying to get lean before running another cycle. Am I just spinning my wheels trying to build muscle and lose weight at the same time? My goAl is to cut, then lean bulk on cycle.

  5. Rm s
    Rm s says:

    John, it seems to be delicious, however spend 2hr-2.5hr or 4hr-5hr to cook, that's quite time consuming.
    Myself prefer to cook in 1hr to 1hr 30min, and that's it.
    Golden rice, fish and plenty of vegetables. And I'm ok to keep eating the same way as long as my body respond well to ingredients, I'm happy with it.
    My feedback: looks delicious, but takes too long to prepare.

  6. Ed Maher
    Ed Maher says:

    Thanks for the recipe John. It's not too cold here in San Diego, but I'm having chili tonight. Looks so good. BTW, I grew up in Toledo, so I know the February blahs, when you are so ready for the winter to end.

  7. Bowerbird
    Bowerbird says:

    This isn't much different to how I make it but I add minced chilli and cayenne pepper to make it extra hot and sweet potato for extra carbs when needed

  8. Marky Mark
    Marky Mark says:

    Can you please make a quick vid regarding the "temple/temporalis muscle" when lifting weights, i get a pump when i lift heavy and my jaw hurts from biting hard, do you have any tips¿? i know more people with this.

  9. Sergey Aleksashov
    Sergey Aleksashov says:

    Hey John I know you usually cover bb stuff, I think it would be interesting to see videos with some powerlifters and exchange opinions and ideas on training. For example a collab with Stan Efferding, you 2 are kinda different but both experienced, it would be very interesting!


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