Easy Instantpot Veggie Stew (Vegan, Oil Free)

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I have been pretty busy the past few days, which means dinners have had to be easy to throw together and quick cooking. There are a lot of plant based veggie …

27 replies
  1. Samgab
    Samgab says:

    I've just recently gone WFPB. Wish I'd never eaten animal products, if only my parents knew before I was born what I now know 40 years later. Oh well, can't change the past, only the future. It would be great if everyone ate like you here. We'd have a lot less sickness, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, less animal abuse, less greenhouse/environment harm, less deforestation, and no one on earth would need to go hungry… So many global problems would be solved if only everyone just ate Whole Plant Based Foods…

  2. TheShadowBee
    TheShadowBee says:

    This became such a staple for me, and so comforting. I change the ingredients up so much depending on what I have that it ends up looking nothing like this, but some things stay consistent – namely, the potatoes, the onions, and the corn are non-negotiable. I don't know why I'd never thought of using corn in a stew before, but it makes such a difference! Really makes me look forward to the meal.

  3. Jana Spurná
    Jana Spurná says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>>ur2.pl/1052 I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use


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