EASY Instant Pot Cheesy Alfredo Recipe – One Pot Meal – Perfect for Beginners

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24 replies
  1. Six Sisters' Stuff
    Six Sisters' Stuff says:

    If you choose not to sear your chicken please cook it either before hand or 15 minutes if you are using thin chicken breasts or 20 minutes if you are cooking big chicken breasts. Then cook your noodles after. You just don't want to cook your noodles for 15- 20 minutes. They will be VERY overcooked! 🙂 Hope this helps. Hugs!

  2. Michael Adkins
    Michael Adkins says:

    2 things I would like to say bout this recipe. SSS, thank you sooooo much for your recipes. They are so great. This one, I would recommend adding the cheese a little at a time or you will end up with a ball of cheese in the middle of your pasta. Second, the next time I make this, Im going to add broccoli. SSS, this recipe is one of my favorites right now.

  3. GrammerAngel
    GrammerAngel says:

    I put my chicken on the bottom. That keeps the "burn" warning from going on. It's the starch in the noodles that scorches on the bottom. I put in the stock, cream, chicken , the noodles. Don't stir but push the noodles down in the liquid.


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